I'm Lost! I have no idea what im even supposed to be doing.

Nov 16, 2019
I was switched out of Starbucks after two days of training. Now I've had two days of training on the floor and today I'm on my own. Both training days I started with one person and then switched after the first person left, so I have no idea what the routine is supposed to be. I came in today, zoned, and then did MAN-CAFs, except for stuff on the very top shelves which I genuinely cannot get. I pushed what I could out to the floor and then went back to attempt to get the stuff from the top shelves. I gave up on that after a literal panic attack and decided to move on to something else, but I dont even know what I'm supposed to do after that. I dont know what I'm responsible for. I asked someone and they said to do freight, but there are no tubs or flats available. I dont know who the leader on duty is so I dont even know who to ask for on the walkie. I honestly just want to walk out and go home.
The "grid" is a sheet of paper which has who is working that day, their hours, and what area they will be in. At my store it is hung up above the time clock. All stores are different so your store might hang it somewhere else.

For the best answers to all your questions, ask Executives, Leaders, or TMs at your own store.