Archived Looking for advice food & beverage TL

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Oct 3, 2018
Hello, I became a food service team lead (Starbucks/Cafe) in January for a red focus non-Pfresh store. The transfer from my home store wasn't too bad just kind of missed the super target atmosphere. Also, there was a lot of work to get it where it is now which has been an amazing transformation.

Mid-May grocery was added to the list of things I oversaw. My store is tiny so they didn't want to send me out for training, I understood this. i accepted this because i was promised in-store training but I'm a month and a half in and now my Store Director seems upset that I don't have a Wealth of knowledge. I'll be honest they scheduled me once with the planogram TL for 8 hours. The problem is they disappear after 2 hours, the last thing they said to me was to push dry. Then later that day I received a disappointing conversation for not pulling auto fills but the problem is auto fills hadn't even been explained to me yet. I've worked in the department a total of 5-6 days with no overlap (which has been alone pushing dry/snack/beverage/water all day) in the past month and a half. As I've said before we're small and as well as short-handed in Starbucks. I spend most of my time there with no coverage also.

1.)What I'm looking for is knowledge or a process to help me with the huge workload With no ability to leave my arched department. I trying to Delegate to the team isn't working. I've asked other team leads (its a bit of a click) but it gets me nowhere atm really.

2.) Can anyone recommend some more training on a workbench that might be beneficial to expand my knowledge?

3.) Can anyone give me some insight on greenfield I'm still having some difficulties with it and id like to be more proficient?

4.) Can anyone recommend a time-efficient process for planning out my sales planners/endcaps/revisions i have about 1-2 hours a week with enough coverage to step away.
I feel this on so many levels.

Make your adjacency calendar your best friend. Pull that report two weeks before your ETL writes the schedule and plan out which day to add in the extra hours to set any Salesplanners/revisions etc. I like to schedule those things on down truck days as much as possible so there isn’t too much happening down one aisle at a time.

Greenfield willl try to be your best friend or your nightmare depending on the day. When it’s working, it can tell you how long those auto fills should take to pull/push. Autofills need to be pulled before noon at the latest. It’s best to knock them out first thing. Our district prefers that we work a few fillgroups at a time instead of pulling all groups and staging them to be pulled. But do what’s best for your store.

Do you also oversee the dry truck? If you’re having trouble ensuring your team is being productive, use the timeframes outlined in greenfield for the truck, autos and CAFS, adjacency..then hold them accountable to that. It may mean that you’ll need to have a lot of turnover. In my experience, I had to turn over about 4 team members but the ones that were left really excelled once I explained where those timelines come from and what my expectation is.
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