Archived New to hardlines and have some questions

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Jul 23, 2015
So I'm on my second week of training and I've gotten used to zoning and all that stuff. I still have a few questions about some things. When you have a guest who wants to buy something that doesn't fit in a cart, like a huge pool or furniture, where do you get a flat and where do you take it from there? Do you go to guest service or?
Also, if I'm helping another TM find an item (at my store we say visuals...not sure if that's at every store), once I confirm we have it then what do we do with it? My trainer said something about asking about putting it on hold...but what exactly do I do with it then?
Last question! How did you guys learn where everything is? I've gotten a ton of questions about where items are and I still have basically no idea other than school supplies...I try to remember the aisles but some I haven't even been in yet.
Thanks! :)
When you have a guest who wants to buy something that doesn't fit in a cart, like a huge pool or furniture, where do you get a flat and where do you take it from there? Do you go to guest service or?
Either flat or tub depending on its size, flats are in the receiving area. If the fookers done shopping wheel it on up to the registers and ask gsa for a carry out, otherwise tell them youll leave it up front for them, put their name on it and notify gsa.

Also, if I'm helping another TM find an item (at my store we say visuals...not sure if that's at every store), once I confirm we have it then what do we do with it? My trainer said something about asking about putting it on hold...but what exactly do I do with it then?
get the name and take it to guest service desk, theyll hide it somewhere with a label on it.

Last question! How did you guys learn where everything is? I've gotten a ton of questions about where items are and I still have basically no idea other than school supplies...I try to remember the aisles but some I haven't even been in yet.
it just takes time, i got a bit of help from doing the whole remodel on our store, so i learned fresh where the areas were, but hell theres still things idk where they are, like make up or softlines :p
So I'm on my second week of training and I've gotten used to zoning and all that stuff. I still have a few questions about some things. When you have a guest who wants to buy something that doesn't fit in a cart, like a huge pool or furniture, where do you get a flat and where do you take it from there? Do you go to guest service or?
Also, if I'm helping another TM find an item (at my store we say visuals...not sure if that's at every store), once I confirm we have it then what do we do with it? My trainer said something about asking about putting it on hold...but what exactly do I do with it then?
Last question! How did you guys learn where everything is? I've gotten a ton of questions about where items are and I still have basically no idea other than school supplies...I try to remember the aisles but some I haven't even been in yet.
Thanks! :)

Re-shop is the best way to learn where everything is. You will come to learn there are about ~50 items that guests will ask you daily where they are...

I could be in Hawaii and give somebody accurate directions to our Sour Cream at this point.
check with someone in leadership as to where your store leves things. If the guest is still shopping, we usually leave the item by the last register and notify GSA/GSTL. If it's a large item on hold for a guest who called we keep it in the back room.

small items there should be 24 hour hold area behind guest service. You should have hold slips in a drawer. Fill out a hold slip and attach to the item(s). At my store we have started taking phone numbers to follow up because we're getting a lot of guests who are putting things on hold and then not coming in for a week and they wonder why we don't have the item on hold.

Over time locations of items will change. We just went through remodel, so everything that I used to know where it was is now in a different place. If you don't know where something you can call on the walkie, 'sales floor team can somebody tell me where xxxx is?" You should get a response from a team member or someone in leadership. My plano TL is really good, swear he has a photographic memory.
The easiest ways to learn locations are to zone, do re-shop, and spend time walking the store. This was made a lot easier for me as I'd been shopping at my store for several years before I became a TM :D To be completely honest, it'll be pretty tough to learn the exact locations of every item in store. Try to familiarize yourself with generic categories first. By that, I mean before you try to memorize where XYZ Brand Detergent is, try to remember the general location for Detergent, for example, and go from there over time. Most people will be happy with a general location.

Welcome to the Team!
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