Archived New to Sales Floor, a few questions

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TM26 Earthquake

hold on sir my pda signed me out
Dec 5, 2011
Alright, so I recently started working sales floor. I've received two training shifts so far: the first involved me shadowing two team members in market, and the second was zoning with an actual trainer in hardlines. I'm starting to understand the general flow of the position, but I feel I'm going to be lost with a lack of guidance when I start my regular shifts next week.

Most importantly, I don't know what to do when I start my shift. So far, it's been clock in and get in contact with my trainer, who will then tell me what to do. Great! But I have no idea what I'm going to do once my training is over. Is there someone I call over the walkie? How do I know where I'm supposed to be? When do I take my 15/30?

Further, I generally don't understand the walkie entirely. I know small things like "listen for your name/section" and "switch to another number for longer interactions" but I don't know what sort of things I should ask or call out over the walkie. What sort of things should I tell the LOD? Are there any walkie faux pas I should know about?

If anyone could lay it out for me simply, that'd be great. Thanks in advance.

When you get in and get your walkie and device, fire it all up and you can't go wrong with : "LOD, hey its Totes Magotes here for hardlines. What would you like me to start first?"
Fool proof!
It may be working the line, doing go backs or starting a zone. There may be a break that needs to be covered.
If no one answers you and you can't find a TL and your store works the line- hit that first, if nothing is there go get go backs . If your store staffs for the line, grab the biggest of the carts of go backs and get that done then try to call for tl or lod again to see if there is something they needed you for.

For your breaks, some places adhere to the break listing in tsc. Ours is by the time clock near the daily break out (it lists everyone working that in the store) you might have to scroll through to find you place and name. You can't go wrong with every 2 hours unless you and 5 to 10 other people came in exactly the same time at which point lod needs to assign everyone.

On the walkie, if it requires more than a yes or no, take it to another channel: "hey Joe shmoe, I have a question, can you switch to channel 3/4?"
Got to check the backroom- switch to channel 2 : "hey backroom" wait for an answer and when they do : "hey can you run/check some numbers for me and see if we have any in back? Let me know when you're ready."(because they have to toggle between apps and it can take a solid minute or two.)
Call button goes off: "hey team, I'm with a guest, I can't get that." "Hey I'm on the opposite end of the store, anyone closer?" "Hey its chad superstar and I'm on my way" either way just flipping answer!

Breaks or lunch: "hey this is lady awesomeness and I'm going to break/lunch." When you get back: "hey I'm back from lunch."

Back up calls please answer if you can or can't go up.

Things to tell LOD
-If a guest is mad and is verbally or physically attacking you
-If someone is hurt "Code Green"
-Fire "code red"
-A kid is missing *not the parent*"Code Yellow" with a description ready and last known place the kid was seen.
-you are falling behind in your tasks.
-if you have time to kill and help elsewhere and you've finished up with all your tasks.

Ask questions!! I can't speak for all stores and their teams. With me, seasonal hires make life easier for myself and my peers who have a lot going on other than go backs and replenishment, it won't be if I have to keep following up and going back over it. Train hard and the right way, learn all you can.
Anyone can add to this why not.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. ;)

Just ask questions to your trainer and fellow coworkers. Your daily duties may fluctuate. Make contact with your Team Lead or LOD. For sure, you'll backup cashier and provide guest service.

@SpotCrazy great post!
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