Archived Order Fullfillment Guardrail?

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Probably a Sociopath
Apr 6, 2015
I've never been to a DC, and I'm not familiar with their processes. I'm curious, though -- Does the DC have any measures in place to prevent over-ordering from stores? I ask because a team member ordered 24 cases of pears, and we received every single one of them. Naturally, I wonder if there is something to prevent this, and if so, what is the limit if this didn't qualify?
I don't know of anything the DC has in place to prevent those type of mistakes but I'd like to think if you over ordered by a lot, like 224 cases, the store would get a phone call to confirm.
Of course you get the immediate prompt when you go over the guardrail. Easy to blow past that though if you're not paying attention. When you're done ordering you can go back and check it by looking at everything ordered that exceeds guardrails.
I accidently ordered 11 cases of green onions instead of 1 a couple weeks ago. Damn PDA's. Had to TPC them to .25. Still ended up tossing about 7 cases. Mistakes happen.
We used to have a logistics division on site at all the DCs. Im not sure how close they monitored things like that, but i think if anyone would have caught it, it would have been them. Those positions were eliminated about a year ago though. Now everything goes through the computers and Store Transportation Support (STS), which is a division at headquarters.

Id imagine now that if you over order, as long as the DC has it in stock you will get every bit of it.
not that i am aware of. I have done that before , ordered 11 instead of 1 for the bagged sliced apples. Just have to TPC them like 50 percent off and let your store know you have a bargin on pears this week.
You can always donate a box or 2.

There was a food avenue person new to the ordering and the TL was away on vacation, she ordered sooo much stuff we got 2 1/1 pallets of over order. she wanted say 300 egg sheets, them come 100 to a box so she should have ordered 3 boxes, well she ordered 300 boxes, yes a whole pallet of egg sheets, a whole pallet of biscuits and sausages.
they all went to the local food bank, donations love us.
Mistakes do indeed happen. Thankfully, we are selling through them pretty well. A little bit of creativity to display them, and we have a good reason for guests to stop buy and check out what they may see as a bargain. It worked out.

Weird, though, that there evidently isn't a system to prevent this. Even if the DC is mostly automated, I would think there would be rule sets to help stop mistakes everyone makes at some time.

Thanks for your input, everyone.
Weird, though, that there evidently isn't a system to prevent this. Even if the DC is mostly automated, I would think there would be rule sets to help stop mistakes everyone makes at some time.
Just be a perfect user 100% of the time and there will be no mistakes to correct. All good programmers make sure that they only design their software with the expectation that there will be zero user error.

I mean, come on. This is like programming 101. You design your software to do what you need it to do. Then you think of every mistake someone could possibly make and you further program the software to handle those types of errors. Then you have other people use it and break it and then program for all their errors too. Order guardrail a should be taking care of misorders like this, but sounds like it's not. I don't think there's any store that would have a legit order of 24 cases of pears.

Anyway, TPC them 50% off. Flex them on the front of the table. Flex them at food ave. Tell your guests and team about them! Do whatever you can to push them. Pears will last for a while too, so you may sell through more than you think. Donate the rest before they go bad though. At least let the food bank get some fresh produce.
There was a food avenue person new to the ordering and the TL was away on vacation, she ordered sooo much stuff we got 2 1/1 pallets of over order. she wanted say 300 egg sheets, them come 100 to a box so she should have ordered 3 boxes, well she ordered 300 boxes, yes a whole pallet of egg sheets, a whole pallet of biscuits and sausages. they all went to the local food bank, donations love us.
Hell, I would've done breakfast for the ad teams first ;)
Had someone do that on a pastry order item: 33 instead of 3.
We had the raspberry swirl loaf for MONTHS.
Imagine putting a 1 in front of a two-digit number for boxes of bananas...
I might have done this...only two digits though. I normally order no more than 8 cases total. I might have had thirty-five come due to some weird glitch the one time. Had 11 on order, had to order at least one more to be sure anything came (usually this is simply the order not being acknowledged). First time I put in the mydevice 12 it didn't look like it took. So I did it again. Only to check it on a PDA and see I now had 35 on order. Whole pallet of bananas. My lazy half didn't talk to me for a week for ruining his day with

But yeah, you would hope that ordering 400% compared to your normal order would come up with a flag in the system. But you'd be wrong.

Those pears should keep safely for a month. Last case they shipped us sat that long before I finally got around to using SIM on them....went quick at .12 each though. :p
Imagine putting a 1 in front of a two-digit number for boxes of bananas...
The largest shipment of bananas I ever got was 2 pallets on top of each other I had to use a step stool to uncover the top pallet I think the total was 50 boxes. Tpc time.
Mistakes do indeed happen. Thankfully, we are selling through them pretty well. A little bit of creativity to display them, and we have a good reason for guests to stop buy and check out what they may see as a bargain. It worked out.

Weird, though, that there evidently isn't a system to prevent this. Even if the DC is mostly automated, I would think there would be rule sets to help stop mistakes everyone makes at some time.

Thanks for your input, everyone.

Well, there is the cut report, but the only items that seem to get cut are the ones you actually need.
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