Archived Using Vacation for Medical Leave

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Dec 23, 2014
Last week I ended up in the hospital on Tuesday, a scheduled day off and had to return Thursday morning for outpatient treatment. The doctors strongly recommended I take off work for the duration of treatment, the end of which is yet to be determined. I was not scheduled Wednesday, but was scheduled for that Thursday and the following 4 days. I brought a letter from the hospital to the LOD that day, requesting medical leave. He said ok I'll take care of it, feel better, etc.

A couple days later I remembered I have about 30 vacation hours. I called and spoke to an HR team member. He said yes I could use vacation hours as long as they don't exceed my average (which is about 30 hours anyway).

However, I have not had a chance to go in and use the computer to request vacation hours because I've been the hospital so much. He said they only process vacation on Mondays so I've already missed it for the week.

When my treatment is over, can I request to use the vacation pay retroactively, or am I screwed? Missing a week of pay is going to have a huge impact especially with these medical bills.

I also checked my schedule from my phone and all my shifts are still there, so I'm hoping they know I'm on leave and not a million no call no shows...

EDIT: Our payday is next Friday Jan 2 so I don't know if when the leave took place during the pay period matter.
Yes you can go back and request it. If your HR was on it, they should have done it for you. I had a death in the family and they processed all the leave and vacation hours I could get while I was gone.
Ok so if I wait to bring all this up after my treatment is over it should be ok? I don't know what short term disability is or if it applies to me guess I'll have to ask about that too.
So I just call and ask to speak to hr? Our head hr person left target recently and I don't think he's been replaced so I'm not sure if I just talk to a regular hr team member or whatever. I never deal with anyone outside overnight flow team so this is all confusing to me sorry.
So I just call and ask to speak to hr? Our head hr person left target recently and I don't think he's been replaced so I'm not sure if I just talk to a regular hr team member or whatever. I never deal with anyone outside overnight flow team so this is all confusing to me sorry.

There should be a HR-TM whose handling things if the ETL has bailed.
They usual do all the work anyway.
Just talk to them and they will handle it.
And like @Hardlinesmaster said check out short term disability before you use up your vacation time.
Use the disability - it will not affect your average hours (necessary for insurance and other things) the way just taking off the time will. If you are eligible you will also get a paycheck. These are benefits that Target considers as part of your overall pay. Use it.
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