Archived Do you miss...

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Dec 30, 2015
The neon lights?

Music free stores?

Garden centers?

Fine jewelry?


Target cafe?

All the shoes being in the shoe department including the men's shoes instead of strangely having the men's shoes in the men's department away from the other shoes?

The race ways being free of merchandise instead of being like the main walkways at Walmart with merchandise in the middle?

Having red instead of gray is the color theme?
I think lumping them altogether into one thread (this one?) is a good idea. Maybe rename it Walk down memory lane or something more pithy than that but I’m too tired to think....
No music at my store, the garden center just exists... it's can not be used for storage anymore and we have a Food Ave with Pizza Hut and a SBux. Oh, we have a photo center and it's still going strong.
I love the music. It's better than listening to the same stupid ad's on the TV. The lighting, I think, is much better. What I don't like is how jewelry, cheaper stuff though, is spread throughout softlines. As an Elec TM, I have no clue how to direct guests to a particular area, since it doesn't exist as one area.
I miss the cafe... or at least being able to get food and drinks that isn't overpriced Starbucks.
Definitely miss clear raceways. Gawd I HATE having all that crap in the middle of the aisles, it looks so cluttered and cheap imo.

I'm on the fence about the music. On the one hand we play the same songs over and over and they're not even good songs songs I like, but I hated working in silence after the store opened.
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