Recent content by Emily

  1. Emily

    The discount perks

  2. Emily

    The discount perks

    I did :( it's down.
  3. Emily

    The discount perks

    When you log into eHr, there is "discount perks" under "discount" something. I can't remember but when I clicked on "discounts" and it pulled down to "discount perks".
  4. Emily

    The discount perks

    Is Target going to stay closed all day today?
  5. Emily

    Archived Cross-trainings

    Let's hope the transfer is through. I am still waiting for the ETO approval from my current store. The other store starbucks position is open but not cashier position. My current HR said that I still have to grab the cashier position at other store since I haven't been cross-trained for...
  6. Emily

    Archived eHr system not working?

    Same thing here, I do have macbook air laptop that has settings under "develop" where I can click on "user agent". User agent has list of window programs I can use. I picked "google chrome" for windows which usually works with the eHr. That is what I do when am at home, not at work. At this...
  7. Emily

    Archived Cross-trainings

    I've worked for 5 years and next winter will be my 6th year. I requested to be cross-trained last November for other positions in sales floor, guest service, and starbucks in order to be able to increase my knowledge in these fields. Based on my experiences in past jobs, I've worked on sales...
  8. Emily

    Archived eHr system not working?

    It has been a week since the eHr is down and not loading when I try to sign in to check on my schedule and use the perks for a discount. Are you all having any problems with the hr portal not loading?
  9. Emily

    Archived EHR NOW WORKS FROM HOME!!!!!!!

    Ok, I have "Develop" option that has "User Agent" listed, it draws out more options from "User Agent" and chrome works? I'll try it out. :) Were you able to see the whole ehr? or still only can see myTime schedule?
  10. Emily

    Archived Deadline on time off requests and vacation requests

    I did get to see the ETL as soon as you advised me to. We finally got the schedule worked out instead of having to request and get approved. As I explained the situation, he let me have the Dec 29th to Jan 2nd off due to my long drive to Colorado. Am glad to finally get this worked out with...
  11. Emily

    Archived EHR NOW WORKS FROM HOME!!!!!!!

    4? what? I am speaking of the version of the IE itself?
  12. Emily

    Archived EHR NOW WORKS FROM HOME!!!!!!!

    Which version of IE does the ehr accept?
  13. Emily

    Archived Deadline on time off requests and vacation requests

    Thought it was HR that is above? ETL is the executive team leader that is above HR?
  14. Emily

    Archived Denied!

    This is why the GSTL do request the cashiers in October to see if they will be available for the thanksgiving holiday week and christmas holiday week. I was recently getting bad news from my aunt that my cousin's wife was recently tested that she has auto-immune hepatitis during the last week...
  15. Emily

    Archived Deadline on time off requests and vacation requests

    I've been working for Target for 5 years, and only asked for time off requests 3 times out of 5 years. I've followed and did time off request before the deadline. For 5 years, I've posted my shifts up instead of asking for time off requests and vacation request to save it up. I am working...