Recent content by Frontendguy

  1. Frontendguy

    Archived Promotion to GSA

    That is my intention, I am very interested in moving way up within the company, and I see both getting on the TL Bench and becoming GSA as first steps on that path.... towards ETL ect. The only issue with becoming GSA is the lack of positions as confirmed by my HR ETL.
  2. Frontendguy

    Archived Promotion to GSA

    This one is for the GSA's long did it take you to move up to the GSA position? I have been here for a year and a half with no promotion. I have learned everything I could about the front end, and I am working with my team lead to have a position on the team lead bench... any advice?
  3. Frontendguy

    Archived Bench Team Lead

    I am currently being "pipelined" Basically being shown the other areas of my store and the store and how they operate.... also learning the details as far as sales go as well as "basket size" ect. My team lead told me that this was part of preparation for my Team Lead Bench interviews later...