Recent content by MonarrezD

  1. M

    Archived Missing Punches?

    I just started at target and was asked to come in a few days (the schedule was not yet created). I was not called back for the remaining period between the creation of another schedule. So I go look at the new schedule. And i see the 'Missing PUnches' report list. And my name was on it! I was...
  2. M

    Archived New to the flow team, and need a pointer or two.

    "For example: D21 (4) - (1) - (2) would be aisle D21, 4th section in aisle D21, 1st level and 2nd section of that shelf over" the example here is what I would expect target to label it as. But the Target I am located at has and extra number right by the aisle as so ' A25(5) 2-2-1 thats was...
  3. M

    Archived New to the flow team, and need a pointer or two.

    Oh I know about that, it means it can be stocked on multiple shelves. Found I had to do that for the bleach.
  4. M

    Archived New to the flow team, and need a pointer or two.

    Thank you both so much. I will try this out next time I work.
  5. M

    Archived New to the flow team, and need a pointer or two.

    So when 'bowling' (when putting the boxes by where they will go on the shelf, I get confused. The Number A26(5) 2-1-2 I learned it as Aisle 26 second section, bottom shelf, and the second label over. but some in packages have the item would be on the 5th section, bottom shelf, and the second...