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      Nauzhror replied to the thread Becoming a TL.
      A good while, background check for some reason took much longer than I expected, official first day is tomorrow now.
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      I enforced it, but with pretty severe leniency. I was not counting people's items. I did not care if they had 12 instead of 10. But if...
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      Nauzhror replied to the thread Becoming a TL.
      Not sure, still not started. I applied for Customer Service Team Leader, HR emailed me, asked me to come in and interview for it. I then...
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      Nauzhror replied to the thread Becoming an ETL.
      We had a new ETL-SPS recently that thought the best way to communicate was to scream at people. She screamed at multiple TL's who'd...
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      Nauzhror replied to the thread Bye bye Target.
      I worked 5 SD's in 8 years, 0 of which were promoted from within the store.
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      Nauzhror replied to the thread Becoming a TL.
      My store definitely had people interview with the DSD. I recently left Target, and interviewed for a TL position with another retailer...
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