Recent content by Softlinesgirl

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    Archived What if target was 24 hours

    Im not in corporate but I dont think target can keep up with their standards if we were open 24 hrs cause, everything and everyone would be every where
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    Archived What if target was 24 hours

    God could you imagine if Target was like walmart and open 24 hours a day, our stores would look horrible but at least we'd be required to look nice and with a smile on our face
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    Archived Team morale down is it just me or is other stores too?

    It's like that at my store to, when I first got hired everything was great typically in softlines but then people started dropping like flys an all the new hires they do end up getting are either a no show or come of a couple of days and then disappear. It's taking a tole on the whole store...
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    Archived Ello target

    I'm new to breakroom but have enjoyed reading what other employees write so I thought I'd be one with the team