Recent content by StuTargetCart

  1. S

    Archived Medical Leave?

    I was told by the clinic they sent me to that I could go back to work, but when I tried today, I couldn't really do my job. Talked to LOD and told to go home.
  2. S

    Archived Medical Leave?

    So what do I do now?
  3. S

    Archived Medical Leave?

    Got injured at Target (head injury). Tried reporting to work today, ended up having to be sent home. I am pretty new to Target. How do I go about medical time off? I have told HR the day after the accident, they sent me to a quick clinic and that's it.
  4. S

    Archived Cart Attendant And Disability?

    I mean my disability is blatantly obvious if you see me walk (Which they did and do every day I'm there). If anything I would think that once I let them know it's an issue they would try to fix it as soon as possible.
  5. S

    Archived Cart Attendant And Disability?

    So as you guys know, I was told I would be transferring to the cashier but they haven't transferred me yet. Today the store manager got on to me about how badly we need carts and how I wasn't cutting it the day before. (The day prior to my *poor* performance I worked an 8.5-hour shift on carts)...
  6. S

    Archived Cart Attendant And Disability?

    Talked to HR, moving to cashier soonish. Guess my name on here doesn't make sense anymore lol
  7. S

    Archived Cart Attendant And Disability?

    I've been doing just that and its been taking a toll on me physically
  8. S

    Archived Cart Attendant And Disability?

    So I have been a CA for about a month now. Originally I thought I could handle it physically but now I am not so sure. Aside from the sunburns that put a damper on the job, I have a physical disability. One that is pretty obvious too. I accepted the job thinking that I would be able to manage it...
  9. S

    Archived Cart Attendant Equip?

    Wait...I get free drinks??? All I got was a free water bottle
  10. S

    Archived Cart Attendant Equip?

    So I am a CA in Texas...It's getting to be summer time and probably 100+ outside. I have sunscreen but is there any chance they'll let me wear some sort of hat that also covers my neck? I burn very easily!