Recent content by youveseenaghost

  1. Y

    Archived Cart pusher hitting cars.....oops....

    One night before I was certified to run it, I hit my own car because the cart machine wouldn't stop and I needed to stop it somewhere. I miss that car lol. Someone hit me once, they backed out and slammed into the cart machine with me right there. They started yelling at me that they were...
  2. Y

    Archived has anyone else seen the new vibe stuff?

    I feel like my tls have no idea what they are saying. They told us if someone spills or drops their drinks to offer to get them another... Like, they spill their Starbucks for us to ask what it was, walk up front, get another drink for them. Like, what? On another note, our tl tonight asked...
  3. Y

    Archived Zellers final ads

    IIRC all Americans are considered Yankees to Canadians.
  4. Y

    Archived So Do You Think They Will Pull His Clothing Line?

    I don't think target cares at all. He did an interview in playboy in 2010 now his stuff is being marketed to kids. Yeah... I read the articles....
  5. Y

    Archived Are there any targets with the old layout?

    The store I started working at was a mid 90s store, they didn't even try to remodel it. Just shut it down and opened another one down the road.
  6. Y

    Archived Steps to being fired?

    This tl isn't directly over me, should I ask him or my direct tl? My direct tl had very little to say about my performance when I asked.
  7. Y

    Archived Steps to being fired?

    Primarily electronics, I also work in market on occasion, along with sales floor and cashier shifts a few times a week (getting called in). The tl has told a few tms they don't like me, but I'm not sure if they are trying to get rid of me or just hard on me because they don't like me. I don't...
  8. Y

    Archived Steps to being fired?

    Alright, was told by one TL that I was a low performer. No other TLs have said this, I have never been written up for performance. But I was denied being cross-trained due to the amount of complaints on my performance. All I was told was I need to be more focused, any other TLs have had little...
  9. Y

    Archived Ad Take Down? Any Tips?

    My ETL told me tonight that you can only use "Not Found" on 20% of the store before you get dinged for it. Not sure if its the same for every store.
  10. Y

    Archived Steps to being fired?

    Is there a certain protocol target has to use to fire someone? I am not going to go in depth to my situation, but sort of feel I have a team lead or two after my head, is there anything I can do to make sure I don't get fired?
  11. Y

    Archived Whats your Pet Peeves at Work?

    I usually work market on Saturday nights, when I did my dates I found stuff that had been out since the Monday before. Just, ew.
  12. Y

    Archived Pfresh having to zone dry grocery

    You guys get 4 hard lines closers? What in the world. We had three people in hard lines last night.
  13. Y

    Archived Last 4 digits for high purchases

    My contribution to this was one day a lady came through buying an iPad with a visa gift card. When I asked to see it she told me she left the card in her car. Then proceeded to hand me her regular debit card, asking if that would work. I reassured I only needed to see the card she just paid...
  14. Y

    Archived Why so few hours?

    I feel pretty dumb for not catching on to this already. But, you're right that we just made a bunch of hires. And all but three have quit...
  15. Y

    Archived Why so few hours?

    Does anyone else see their hours randomly dropping with no reason? I was getting 15 a week for most of the summer, which everyone at my store was this summer. I've been getting scheduled around 25 the past few weeks. Now the schedule posted yesterday had me for 11.5. Is there any reasoning...