Recent content by Zombietronic

  1. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    Certainly, but just because some non-disposable items are made in China doesn’t mean there isn’t a serious problem with importing cheap, disposable, plastic, things that nobody needs from China. What do you mean: again? Really? You know that it’s bad, and I’m sure you know that there are safer...
  2. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    100% agree. Wages need to be increased, teachers deserve more pay, grocery store workers and food workers deserve more pay, and if the minimum wage increased with production capability in the US it would be $24 not $7.25. Target already started at $13 an hour when I started, went up to $16...
  3. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    But….if it used to be called See! Spot! Save! and The One-Spot, then it has changed, and it could change again. I don’t see why it couldn’t become something nicer and eco-friendly.
  4. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    So much THIS. As I said, it wasn’t popular in the store I worked in, but a few people would buy everything (and only things) from there. And then something would ring up as $2 and they’d exclaim “$2! The price on the shelf said $1”. And instead of saying “yes, everything there is in the wrong...
  5. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    Ok, so I went to a different store than the one I worked in right up until the pandemic. This is the SAME junk that I was unboxing, stuffing in, constantly zoning, and complaining about 🤣. This store was as large as ours was but only had two aisles, where we had EIGHT to keep up with. I did...
  6. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    And this is understandable, but it would be really nice if they provided things you didn’t want to toss, but could hang on to for a long time.
  7. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    I’m very much getting the sense that Bullseye’s Playground is very popular with customers and team members. I think it was just a very different thing at the store I worked at. For context, the store I worked at was in a peri-urban area, in the third richest county in the country (please don’t...
  8. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    I appreciate all the responses. It sounds like I have a vendetta against Bullseye’s Playground! 😝 Probably true. But I’m heartened to hear that boxes may be bigger than when I was there. and I understand the need to pack delicate breakable items the way they do for long journeys (just wish...
  9. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    Any idea how much it actually makes? Everything is so cheap (and poor quality) that my experience was that a very few people bought everything they came for there for like $25, and then the majority of people bought nothing from there and spend $200+ Many of the items (holiday stuff...
  10. Zombietronic

    Service & Engagement Shutting down Bullseye’s Playground

    Please forgive me if this has come up before, is a frequent topic, or If there’s a better place to post. But has there ever been a serious discussion about removing Bullseye’s Playground? I’m an ex-team member and have been gone many years, but I still cringe walking past that wasteland of...