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  1. lucidtm

    Getting yelled at by team member

    Exactly this right here. ^^^ Always cover yourself and send that email as soon as possible. I wouldn't make it accusatory toward the other TL and ETL, maybe just state they were witness to the inexcusable behavior. Playing devil's advocate here, they could have just thought you had it handled...
  2. lucidtm

    Getting yelled at by team member

    Are you a lead as well or a TM? The TM that came at you may have been having a bad day, but I'm all about covering your own self. You were correct in keeping your cool and in how you handled it.My personal next move would have been immediately to HR to document. If it had happened previously...
  3. lucidtm

    Promotion to TL - Pay

    Ours is $4 over base. If you're internal you'll be less likely to get more than that. Not saying it doesn't happen, but you'd need a hell of a lot of experience to back up the why. If you're an external hire you'll be more likely to get the increase. That being said, back when I was promoted I...
  4. lucidtm

    Transferring a TL to department that didn't have one before.

    From what I can gather over the last month (from mostly the Facebook groups), many TLs were moved departments and positions whether they liked it or not. With the restructure, TL headcount might've stayed the same for your store while TL positions were created/eliminated. This might've been...
  5. lucidtm

    Can they just fire me?

    Every convo they've had with you has been documented. Eventually they'll put you on a CA and then a final. Keep in mind, once you're on the CA you're not eligible for bonuses, transfer, etc. We've had TL's float around our store on multiple random CA's and finals for years. ASANTS, but unless...
  6. lucidtm

    Question about policy on promoting to PML

    There isn't an official company policy regarding internal promotions. It is all at the discretion of your SD and DSD. At our store, most of our TLs (including myself) were promoted internally. For ETL, it is essentially the same but we don't have a ton of ETL turnover. For both roles, they...
  7. lucidtm

    Call Out Accountability

    This is how our store operated when we had our old SD. With COVID, attendance became more lax. Target seemed to care more about health and wellness. As COVID became less of a priority to the world Target wanted us to go back to being more stern about attendance. Because our old SD was...
  8. lucidtm


    It runs SO much better this way. We had some management changes semi-recently and not all of them are keen on tasking. Of any sort. At all. It shows throughout the entire store, not just their department. Storewide we lost A LOT of fantastic, long-term TMs due to it. It seems to slowly be...
  9. lucidtm


    It really depends on what your store's volume is and what the leader head count is, what area(s) you oversee as the GMTL, etc. Our store has 3 so they split the areas, but ASANTS.
  10. lucidtm

    New Merch Ops TL

    Ugh... that stinks. Thank you for the update!
  11. lucidtm

    Specialty Sales

    Sorry, I don't get the opportunity to travel ever and haven't been to any other Target stores. I've also (that I can remember) never seen anyone tell me that. So, thanks for the heads up!
  12. lucidtm

    Specialty Sales

    Our SS ETL is all of Style, ULTA, Beauty, Tech, Mini-Seasonal, C&D, Kitchen. We have 3 SSTL's and they split all of that up between them. I'm not sure how your store will have them divided up or what you'll personally be covering. You will not have nearly enough TM's for any of those...
  13. lucidtm

    ETL prospects, promotions, and other alternatives

    I've personally seen TL's in my store get promoted quickly to ETL (One example, a Closing TL promoted to ETL in 6 months. He was a longtime Target employee, but not a TL very long. This was 2 years ago and he's still with the company as an ETL). 18 months is standard but it depends on...
  14. lucidtm

    ETL prospects, promotions, and other alternatives

    We have a recent external hire ETL. Don't lose hope! However, I do think it's a good idea to take the TL job and get your foot in the door. More importantly, it'll acclimate you with Target's way of doing things and make the ETL role MUCH easier.
  15. lucidtm

    PG45 Bonus 2023

    We got $500. Corp set us all up to fail this year... every single one of us. Even more-so than last year. Then, of course, made it our faults. They had no intention of good raises or good bonus amounts for anyone. Every single one of us (TM up through SD's) seem to have gotten screwed over...
  16. lucidtm

    Stepping down ?

    This explains a lot about an unexpected attitude shift towards some people from the upper management at my store. 😂 I was convinced I slipped into an alternate reality the other day.
  17. lucidtm

    New Merch Ops TL

    Probably a long shot but any idea how many hours it'll go up for higher volume? I wasn't sure if you just had the number for your store or they sent over a chart of sorts.
  18. lucidtm

    Hiring and terminations

    Maybe it's ASANTS, but at our store an ETL cannot fire anyone without the HR ETL's blessing. Normally, they also need the HRBP's blessing as well (depending on documentations). That being said, if an ETL didn't know that and fired a TL or TM it's likely HR would back the ETL up (again, depending...
  19. lucidtm

    New Merch Ops TL

    Good luck to you!
  20. lucidtm

    New Role Title

    I'd email the HR TM/TL or ETL if you don't have those and say "Hey! Following up to see if you were able to key in my new title as discussed with the SD. I have a few convos I need to document, etc. Thanks!"