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  1. T

    Our store music not the most family friendly at times.

    Positions by ariana grande was on and a guest pointed up to the speakers looking confused and said….. Does her man want her to get a different job. Hahaha. Job=position.
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    Fdc truck delivery.

    We did. We sent pictures and reported everything. Everyone at our store said refuse it. Fdc guy said that the food and bev director said for us to take it. Do they even work on Saturdays? I think he is making that part up.
  3. T

    Fdc truck delivery.

    They wiped it off with a dry paper towel.
  4. T

    Fdc truck delivery.

    Thank you. I have lived in the area my whole life. I worked this same Target 10 years. I care about the guest and their kids. I’m thinking this is how you treat our guest? I called off. I am sick over this.
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    Fdc truck delivery.

    Thanks, I’m going to check into that. It was not one of our regular drivers.
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    Fdc truck delivery.

  7. T

    Fdc truck delivery.

    After 45 minutes of trying to pick everything up from the truck floor, we decided to refuse it. The driver sat in the bay for four hours and the fdc made us take it. Saying the food director and our district guy backed him. I refused to push it. The next 2 days I was off and I know it was all...
  8. T

    Fdc truck delivery.

    Our Fdc truck came covered in egg slime. We were the last stop and the stores before us left a gap between two pallets causing them to tip over. One of the pallets had 300 dozen eggs. At least 1/2 were broken all over the truck. We have yogurt, juices, hummus ect all covered in broken egg. The...
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    Getting yelled at by team member

    As long as they don’t touch you or threaten you it’s ok. Exact words from my corporat.
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    FY 2023 Annual Pay and Performance - Team Members (PG35/38)

    What is the max raise for TM’s? Is it 60 cents.
  11. T

    Ambient Table March 10.

    Can someone please post a picture of the ambient table with the set of March 10? I cannot understand this table. How can it have eight shelves? Where are the two sections? How can harvest chips go positions 1, 2 and then 12 ? Shouldn’t they all be together or does that wrap around and end up...
  12. T

    Resources for Humans (An HR Thread)

    If anyone is wondering. The answer is yes you can have them on your insurance until the end of the year that they turn 26. ‘Example if they turn 26 Jan 1, 2024 they can be on your insurance until December 2024.
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    Resources for Humans (An HR Thread)

    I work at Target. I have an insurance question. I have twins, both work at Target and in collage. They are 25 and under my insurance. They turn 26 in March. Can I keep them on my insurance another year since they are still 25 during enrollment or should they get their own. I would prefer staying...
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    Resources for Humans (An HR Thread)

    It’s average 25 hours to get health benefits.
  15. T

    How often can you call off before OMs bring it up?

    I saw an attendance sheet and everyone’s name had a number beside it. Mine was 7. Curious if that means I missed 7 days this year and does it reset at the beginning of the year?
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    We had rats so bad that we had Two snakes get into the back stock of the cafe because they were eating the rats
  17. T

    $1.00 extra from 10/22/2023 to 01/06/2024

    That’s nothing but a slap in the face! A dollar? Really?
  18. T

    Write up

    Yes, they even see that I haven’t. I actually asked my team if you see me pulling tell me. I have only had one reminder.
  19. T

    Write up

    I never thought to ask this. I’ll tell you it is totally stressing me out hearing about it everyday. It still is not sent. I offered my lead yesterday to go to TSC and he could sent it and I would sign. I don’t want them in trouble. He said he has to get with the ETL and it’s the ETL’s weekend off.