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  1. N

    Wage Garnishment

    You should get a letter from the relevant gov. authority notifying you of the garnishment, and Target complies with whatever order they are given. I never got a letter from Target about mine, it just showed up on my pay stub, but I knew it was coming because the gov. notified me.
  2. N

    FY 2023 Annual Pay and Performance - Team Leaders (PG45)

    Yeah that seems to be how it works, and I know that the last two years the ratings were decided before we wrote our thingies. I didn't even write a self review last year, nobody brought it up. I just phone mine in pasting some metrics and writing a few sentences. I think it makes no difference...
  3. N

    FY 2023 Annual Pay and Performance - Team Leaders (PG45)

    I about threw up at the 3% I got, legitimately made me nauseous. Doesn't help that I got 6% last year and I know I work smarter now. I'll give it some time but my initial reaction is that I will absolutely not work as hard this year. Most of my peers seemed to think their 3% was okay. At least...
  4. N

    Calling off through mytime

    Call offs should show up in Greenfield indefinitely (when it's working) but still keeping those screens is def. a good idea.
  5. N

    Calling off through mytime

    Exactly this, has already been an issue a couple of times, no bueno. Our SD and ETLs hate it, hopefully that's a widespread complaint and it gets changed. One of my team members noted that calling off on the app is awesome for TMs who are actually sick and can't wait for somebody to answer the...
  6. N

    No set schedules again?

    Auto-gen messes up my coverage and screws my team members. It doesn't care about their needs or what makes them perform better, and it doesn't know that our team does better with a balanced schedule w/regard to team member experience and skill. It also sometimes schedules people for no hours...
  7. N

    Calling off through mytime

    Not cool that TLs can't see this. There is no reason for that, it's bullshit and results in a completely unnecessary layer of easily-forgettable but very important communication. We're trusted to look at almost every imaginable piece of Target store data provided we know how to navigate...
  8. N

    Merit Raises & Reviews: 2023 Edition

    Nah, we're having the same slow leak of talent everyone else is. Or I could be wrong and they will just mass exodus my ass lol.
  9. N

    Merit Raises & Reviews: 2023 Edition

    5% first DEO tier review, and looks like promotion is a possibility fairly soon. Been a rollercoaster.
  10. N

    Merit Raises & Reviews: 2023 Edition

    Have delivered 80% of my team's reviews and so far only 2 were angry, most were meh and one top performer was happy with 2% (?!). One "DEO" given this year when my team had 4 outstanding performers. Apologized to everyone. I still haven't gotten my review lol. I'll be the last leader by far to...
  11. N

    Merit Raises & Reviews: 2023 Edition

    It's more that there's a limit to the compensation that can be given out, not that there's a quota per se. It just works out as if there was a limit, since the store is going to spread out the raises among the departments somewhat, and people will be left out who shouldn't be. This is decided on...
  12. N

    Merit Raises & Reviews: 2023 Edition

    The long-winded suggestions by Target of lies and comic half-truths we're supposed to tell our team members about their shitty raises are very insulting. Nobody on this planet likes being talked to in corpo-robo-tough-shit-you-suck language.
  13. N

    Merit Raises & Reviews: 2023 Edition

    This is the first time as a TL that I was left out of the "calibration" of team members, so when time comes to deliver I'll be going in blind and raw. 100% chance that HR gives another speech about they expect us to "own" these reviews. Definitely getting cynical. My own review will determine if...
  14. N

    Benefits Desired Hours and Benefits Eligibility

    Oh dang, this explains what I've been seeing on the schedule lately. Some of my team have been brutally overscheduled and it's a pain in the ass trying to clean that up every Wednesday. Oh look it's Wednesday lol.
  15. N

    Unemployment after Target

    Depends on the state somewhat. A friend quit her job due to abuse by her employer and because she had documented everything she was able to get unemployment despite her employer fighting it, but she had to go to a hearing and bring evidence. Generally red states/right to work states are very...
  16. N

    Secret Bonus Again?

    One TM gave me a big hug and was very emotional about their bonus. Wow did that feel great! It made my day, and the next couple of days too.
  17. N

    Calling off through mytime

    Agreed yeah, and most of us root for our team to get their stuff figured out, to improve attendance/performance, work with them on the schedule (sometimes at great expense to the team and ourselves in terms of stress) and we hope they're happy like we would want a friend to be happy. I worry...
  18. N

    Calling off through mytime

    I get that people don't want to tell their boss the specific reason they aren't coming in, that it can feel intrusive in some limited circumstances. But the way bigger picture is that they will not feel accountable, won't have to face their decision directly, and on the back end, we'll have...
  19. N

    Secret Bonus Again?

    Um, just got a 10% raise...okay...wasn't expecting that. Hmm...may be not time to leave over a feel-bad non-bonus.
  20. N

    Secret Bonus Again?

    Welp, no bonus for me this time. Or last time. And 0/3 on getting a 3 (despite promotion to TL in a year ahead of strong TMs that I'm now developing for promotion). But I'm constantly being told how well I'm doing and being eyed for another promotion. Okay. It doesn't make any sense at all, but...