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  1. redndkhaki

    Archived Orientation-- what to expect, bring & wear.

    Does anyone know what you do in a ETL orientation?
  2. redndkhaki

    Archived Starbucks Granitas

    Hi! I just heard about the new Granitas drinks that we have, could someone walk me through the process of making them?
  3. redndkhaki

    Archived Starbucks Opening for a visit

    sorry, there is no such thing as blackberry team hehe. idk why i put that there. Can you run me through the process of running a cleaning tablet through the espresso machine?
  4. redndkhaki

    Archived Starbucks Opening for a visit

    Hello everyone! I'll be opening tomorrow by myself for the first time, my trainer started to NCNS during my training. I have a big visit for starbucks tomorrow. SBX veterans, any tips? I have the main gist of opening, though I might be missing some smaller things. Any tips/advice is appreciated...
  5. redndkhaki

    Archived Do your GSA/GSTL's have a cordless phone?

    Wireless phones are extremely convenient for thr GSTL's. We have it in our store.
  6. redndkhaki

    Archived Apple Watch

    the post got off track, let's get back to the apple watch. Just got mine yesterday, I love it, hate the battery life. I came from the pebble family so i was used to the week long battery life.
  7. redndkhaki

    Archived GSA at 18

    ...faster. It gives you exposure to the execs, and they're going to know you on a first name basis. And once there is an opening for a TL position, you have a higher chance. *****BEWARE***** The GSA position is very unfair. You're a GSTL without the pay nor title. It's tough but it can be rewarding.
  8. redndkhaki

    Archived Sr. TLs as LOD

    my store only has 1 Sr.TL. He only does opening and mid LOD shifts. It might be because they don't want a non exempt closing? Not sure.
  9. redndkhaki

    Archived interested in becoming a tl

    Talk to your ETL about your development and be persistent about it. Ask questions, build a connection with your ETL. Let them know your interested.
  10. redndkhaki

    Archived Any way to get around this?

    I called tech support the other day. They said there's no way around this as of now. It is being recognized as credit until our update on September.
  11. redndkhaki

    Archived Finding Job Openings?

    Are you referring to eHR? If you are you're in the right place. There should be an option to display all options when you're choosing the position. Sometimes there's no direct opening for a position. This happened when they wanted me to apply for the TL position but they forgot to open a...
  12. redndkhaki

    Archived Am I on Final?

    ASANTS, but in mine, if you have 2 CCA under the same branch that is a final.
  13. redndkhaki

    Archived Am I on Final?

    There's two kinds of CCA. One is for conduct(misbehavior towards guest and/or another team member) another is for performance (not following company procedure). These two are separate "branches" of CCA but target can still "combine" these two to put you on a final. By combining it I mean they...
  14. redndkhaki

    Archived Question about two weeks notice

    As long as the shifts are covered, and you let your HR and ETL know when your last day is, you should be fine. Keep in mind it is important to let them know your final day because they prepare your last paycheck. ASANTS.
  15. redndkhaki

    Archived Question about two weeks notice

    I don't think anybody was trying to be rude on purpose. Their delivery was fine. You asked a question, they answered.
  16. redndkhaki

    Archived Question about two weeks notice

    I think you might be marked non rehirable
  17. redndkhaki

    Archived Did I hit compliance?

    No, you didn't hit compliance. Target pays you by the minute.
  18. redndkhaki

    Archived Transferring Workcenters

    Sorry I didn't mean to say that you were ineffective. Your best bet is to probably talk to HR.
  19. redndkhaki

    Archived Transferring Workcenters

    Well, I know that this might be different but in my store as a team leader, if I had someone who I felt was "ineffective" I wouldn't let him/her transfer because it would put a bad rep under my name. Once I get him back to perform better only then will I even consider a transfer. Not everyone is...
  20. redndkhaki

    Archived Transferring Workcenters

    If you're on CCA, I don't think they will allow you.