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  1. queencat

    To that one guest

    TTOG- you come in all the time like ten minutes before close. You are constantly rude to not only me, but the GSAs/GSTLs and the LODs. I shouldn't have even had the electronics TM get you that speaker because a) it was 12:01 and we were CLOSED and b) it is not my fault you didn't read your SPU...
  2. queencat

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    The most petty pet peeve I have are guests who walk into the store, immediately go up to the service desk and interrupt me to ask where something is. WHERE'S YOUR LAUNDRY SOAP? WHERE'S ELECTRONICS? WHERE'S YOUR MILK? Have you tried looking for more than two seconds?
  3. queencat

    Archived creepy guests

    My store won't let me wait in front of Target alone because of creepers but lets me and three other team members walk to the bus stop and wait by ourselves. (we try to walk together if we close together but that doesn't always happen...)
  4. queencat

    Archived Angry "Extreme" couponers

    Two guests roll up to guest service with a cart full of Tide "We want to pricematch this." "Uhm...if we are able to price match it we can only do one...." "Are you sure?" no, I don't know my jobs policies. :rolleyes:
  5. queencat

    To that one guest

    ...fact it was a very large box and was wrapped in a large black spiderwrap should have tipped you off that I meant $179, not $1.79). And even if it *was* 30 cents, I know how to do my job. I know how much I am allowed to change prices, and when I should have someone double check. I don't go...
  6. queencat

    To that one guest

    ttog You can be mad all you want for redcard payment being down, but it's your own damn fault for waiting until the due date to pay it.
  7. queencat

    Archived Of marshmallows, allergies, and 3D batteries

    FWIW, chocolate isn't dairy. Most chocolate has dairy in it but not all does. Also the daughter could have been vegan which is what well meaning mom meant, which restricts both cheese (because it's from an animal) and marshmallows (which are typically made from gelatin, which is made from...
  8. queencat

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    ttotm who makes the schedule, I have closed for three. months. straight. this is not an accident. this is on purpose. throw me a fucking bone once a month and let me leave while the sun is shining. just because I'm the only one who doesn't have children doesn't mean I don't want to do stuff in...
  9. queencat

    To that one guest

    ttog- I really don't care that OtherTargetLocation can do "everything you ask" and we "can't seem to do anything" when you have literally asked us the impossible (start a redcard with a debit card and locate a purchase made on your card when it turns out you didn't use your card at all!)
  10. queencat

    Archived Do you carry.....?

    FYI, if you're a current target employee, you might want to change your icon and maybe your username if thats your real name. Corperate does check this board.
  11. queencat

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    One lady came in looking for her order, it wasn't ready, and when I checked mygo she had placed the order 5 minutes before. "Oh I just placed the order then hopped in the car" so why did you bother placing an order in the first place?????? Also it wasn't for anything special, no coupon codes...
  12. queencat

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    We have a call button in photo where we're suppose to be doing online pickups (9/10 go to the service desk anyways). People will press the button, I'll come over and ask if they're picking up an online order or photos. They'll say online order, I'll take their ID, can't find it in MyGo, they'll...
  13. queencat

    Archived Funny conversations

    SFTM: Hey this is SFTM and I'm clocked in. Sr.TL: SFTM there's an alcohol pull over in market that OtherSFTM was working on but she had to leave, can you finish it? SFTM: I mean I'm not that thirsty but I'll do my best.
  14. queencat


    We have a handful of "crazies". One is a guy who buys things, wears them, and returns them. They're obviously worn because they REEK of cologne but all the tags are intact and he has all the receipts. Apparently we tried denying him previously but something happened and he called corporate and...
  15. queencat

    To that one guest

    Wait, why a snowflake giftcard?
  16. queencat

    Archived You racist!

    Apparently 'Canadians' is a slur in the restaurant industry for black people. "Canadian's are terrible tippers", etc. Seriously, the shit people come up with....
  17. queencat

    Archived What's their scam?

    Mhm, the grocery store behind my Target has those. Last I heard our STL and AP were partnering with the manager and security at that grocery store because people were return frauding us and then immediately going over there to cash in the cards.
  18. queencat

    Archived Your Weirdest Scam/Fraud Moment?

    Same here. Both with the pillow cases, and with the sticking to your guns. "Someone bought you $200 worth of watch batteries as a gift" "Oh yeah totally." GSA and GSTL told me I couldn't. We had no TSP, no ETL-GE, and ETL-AP wasn't always present. We were told to just take it and reprint the...
  19. queencat

    Archived Your Weirdest Scam/Fraud Moment?

    This is more like a weirdest fraud month but there was a time from April to June when we didn't have ANY TPS or AP, and scammers knew it. They also knew that we had upped our return limit to $250. This led to people bringing in $250 worth of batteries (like they were just pulled off the pegs)...
  20. queencat

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOGSA- I honestly feel like you're singling me out and bullying me but I can't say anything because you're managements darling. So instead I cry in the break room and hope you just don't notice me for 8 hours.