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  1. bananaman

    Archived Threats in the workplace?

    I'm not sure what that emoticon is supposed to be.
  2. bananaman

    Archived Threats in the workplace?

    I have a couple of witnesses, and this isn't this team member's first time in being reprimanded for doing something wrong. I currently have a health condition and basically, if they carried through on their threat, my life could be in danger as I doubt 911 would make it in time. I'm a bit...
  3. bananaman

    Archived Threats in the workplace?

    Today a team member threatened bodily violence against me while on the sales floor during store hours. I reported it to the HR person, and now I'm wondering what will happen next. What is Target's policy regarding threats in the workplace?
  4. bananaman

    Archived BTS 2016!

    Why would it be harder? Just work harder, and if you complain? There are certainly more people willing to do the job you don't want. Target's a pretty nice place to work, people should be glad to help them.
  5. bananaman

    Archived Anyone else taking a truck on the 4th of July?

    We didn't take one for Memorial Day. I know what everyone is saying. I mean time off to spend with family is overrated. Most of us don't even have loved ones, must less ones who want to have a get together with us. I'll be happy to go to work and take the extra $30 for working on a holiday. I...
  6. bananaman

    Archived Anyone else taking a truck on the 4th of July?

    Schedule just went up and wouldn't you just know it, my store is scheduled to take a truck on Monday, July 4th. Pretty many team members are disgusted. Partly because we have Tuesday, July 5th off. It's been asked why we couldn't take the July 4th truck on a Tuesday, but apparently that's...
  7. bananaman

    Archived How to contact Corporate?

    Thank you!
  8. bananaman

    Archived Flow and the wave

    Here how it works at my store: Truck unload comes in at 5:30 am, bowlers come in at 6 About 10 to 12 people unload, 6 people bowl and start stocking HBA only. Every pallet for Paper and C&D are dropped on the sales floor. The rest are stored near the line. After unload, 1 person works the...
  9. bananaman

    Archived How to contact Corporate?

    I am applying for a new job and in order to complete the hiring process they need my current employer, in this case Target, to furnish some information. Sounds simple, right? Well, not quite. Turns out they can't give the sort of information my would be new employer needs at store level and...
  10. bananaman

    Archived SMF Shoes Merchandising Flexibility

    Been doing this for the last two years. The Backroom TL throws a fit whenever anyone brings back shoes saying there should be no back stock, yet no one has an answer of where to go when you run out of room. Welcome to Target, where the laws of physics do not apply.
  11. bananaman

    Archived Sales Floor Hours Cut in Favor of Backroom

    Yet I imagine most of them could spell "Instocks" correctly :p
  12. bananaman

    Archived How fast is your truck done?

    With two throwing and ten on the line, it takes us 90 minutes to get a 2,300 piece truck done. It doesn't matter though. In my experience, all logistic ETL's are never satisfied with how fast the truck is done. Speed often comes at the price of worker safety as "Speed is Life" at Target. I've...
  13. bananaman

    Archived What does your ETL-LOG do day to day?

    My ETL-LOG is an egotistical and narcissistic headcase. If you're not a gym rat or fitness nut like he is, you're pretty much useless in his eyes. He will help throw the truck sometimes when he thinks the flow team isn't going fast enough, which he complains about constantly despite us always...
  14. bananaman

    Target Boycott Discussion Thread. Discuss your thoughts and how it is effecting your store

    The sales in my store are currently down, but there's no real way to say that it's because of the bathroom rule. It's kind of silly. I hardly think those who are boycotting will have the conviction to stay away from Target, just as I think people are not going to shop here more because of the...
  15. bananaman

    Transgender and Bathrooms

    Interesting choice of words. "You are being questioned." It almost sounds like I've done something wrong, yet to my knowledge I have not. To begin, you misquoted me. I said the risk for child molestation and sex crimes have risen, not that they actually have. I said we have made it easier...
  16. bananaman

    Transgender and Bathrooms

    To be fair, I knew you would not answer my question regarding gun control because it betrays the logical fallacy in your argument. There is no way you can say you're concerned about the risk we put innocents at and that certain rights must be sacrificed for the common good, then go ahead and say...
  17. bananaman

    Transgender and Bathrooms

    I appreciate how fervently you feel about the topic, but throwing in statistics concerning violence against the transgender community does not change the fact that bad people will take advantage of this new rule and the risk of innocents being hurt has risen. The fact is that part of my theory...
  18. bananaman

    Transgender and Bathrooms

    But thanks to the new rule, that has become a mighty big "if". Consider the scenario - a male pedophile or pervert sees that everyone allowed to use whatever bathroom they want at Target. Before, he would have been caught if attempting to enter the ladies room; it would have been a huge red...
  19. bananaman

    Transgender and Bathrooms

    THIS ^ I think this is what is being lost in the discussion. People are getting so hot and bothered over who is right and who is wrong, they're not really listening to the main concern about allowing transgenders to use whatever bathroom they want. It's not that people... well, most people...
  20. bananaman

    Archived ETLs thinking certain TMs are worth something they're not.

    It's happened at my store. A few years ago when the new ETL came in, our one team member, who was one of the laziest and rudest in the store, started to schmooze her into thinking he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Three years later, and he's head of loss prevention at another store.