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  1. S

    Archived So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu!

    Put in my notice. My last day is this upcoming Sunday. My new job will essentially be SFS, but with musical instruments and sound equipment within the distribution center of a wonderful local company. I've honestly wanted to work for this company for a long time, and I have friends that work...
  2. S

    Archived No one scheduled, because time and a half

    I mean, I almost understand not having a truck today, even though Tuesday is a normal truck day for us, but one cashier at a time, no AP, and no PMT. What??
  3. S

    Archived Being told to "Work faster"

    Okay. So I've been with Spot for about 4 years now. Started on truck and now I'm softlines. When I first started, I was told that I wasn't moving quickly enough, but once I got used to my job and felt more comfortable with what I was doing, I was fine. I got a good review my first year. I was...
  4. S

    Archived Still no swap shift board...

    So our leadership took away our swap shift board for Black Friday week and the week after, but we still haven't gotten it back 😣 I rely on that thing guys
  5. S

    Archived Well I guess I'm going to HR...

    A few of you know about my issues with my STL taking out her personal issues with me on my schedule. Well Black Friday week had me at 25 hours, and the following week at 15. So I brought it up to the ETL salesfloor today and she told me that since we had a lot of team members right now, they had...