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  1. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    So many assumptions it’s like you were all angry before I even posted this and got the opportunity to take your frustrations out on someone you don’t even know 🙄
  2. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    You guys have taken this extremely out of hand 😒 Who knew so many assumption making Karen’s worked for Target 😂
  3. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    Get out here with your violent ass 🙄
  4. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    Really? Couldn’t even make it through this harmless thread without exposing your love for Trump 😂 woooow if this isn’t textbook Karen behavior idk what is 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  5. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    I already tried and they begged me to stay 💁🏻‍♀️😇
  6. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    I’m so happy that you guys take so much pride in your work and that Target is so important to you . It is truly great to see so many dedicated workers. I don’t think you could possibly grasp how phenomenal you truly are.
  7. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    All I hear is a bunch of Karen ass responses to my post.
  8. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    Sounds like your upset about it? 😂
  9. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    Again get off your high horse and chill tf out 🙄 you work at Target try having a real job then you can talk 💁🏻‍♀️(Also idk what bunk ass state you’re from but here min wage is $15)
  10. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    Pretty passionate response for someone who gets paid min wage 🙄 it’s okay to have fun at work sometimes people chill tf out
  11. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    Omg we work at Target get over it 😂
  12. Mdizzle420

    Fun/interesting thing to do when you are bored at work...?

    ...Anything to pass the time when you don’t feel like working
  13. Mdizzle420

    COVID precautions

    You think Target a (multi billion dollar company) could come up with a better solution to fighting COVID 19 then spray bottles and paper towels lol..