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  1. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    You will get slowed down or shut off if you go under 90% sort on time. In an ideal world, if boxes were sorted correctly, you would be able to track if and when that order got on the carrier's truck. If you let it auto manifest instead of sorting it correctly, that box possibly could've been...
  2. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Don't forget to scan your pallets out in carrier pickup~ Scan them out before your deadline and before the end of the night and you'll be at 100%
  3. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    We literally hit a wall of nothing but softlines this afternoon. 1000+ units out of 7000+ of nothing but clothes. It was so bad that the softlines tms that were stolen for flex were complaining to me that they couldn't find softlines. It's owned by Guest Services according to my OD
  4. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    You have no idea how irritated I get when my etl bitches me out that someone "cancelled" something in 0 minutes and I have to explain for the 40th time after following up that the tm is literally picking the batch as we speak and he/she just skipped an item.
  5. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    My OD chewed us out for 20 minutes in the pre black friday walk for not bagging and labeling everything in hold. You bet your ass everything here is bagged, labelled and where it's supposed to be~
  6. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    I definitely agree with it being shitty leadership. We can't push properly, backstock properly, dispose of cardboard properly, etc. What pisses me off is when my team gets shit on for not digging through the 40 different places this item COULD be other than the one place it SHOULD be. When it...
  7. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Ironically enough, they've stopped pulling my fulfillment team for GM because our DBOs are so shit at their job we end up barely finishing before deadline because we spend so much time digging through their messes to fill our orders~
  8. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    We've been awful with missing items this season. I chalked it up to my seasonals being horrible though. Never really figured that the system would be doing that.
  9. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    That's unfortunate. We ran out of almost everything during our stress test and I had no intention of doing that again so I ordered 40 pallets over the span of a week. We aren't running out of supplies this season lol
  10. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    I know. Moral victories, sir.
  11. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    We got today's 4:30s done. I wish I could just ignore the 6000 units in the gun for tomorrow~
  12. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    I was wondering why my pillow machines were jamming at a stupidly high rate.
  13. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    May god have mercy on your soul. We usually cap out around 8k
  14. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Hold up and down while turning it on.
  15. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Yeah as long as mpm says 0 by the end of the day, you're good.
  16. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Whatever drops before 8pm is what has the potential of being carryover. There should be no carryover the next day.
  17. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Pick productivity is the only thing green for us right now~
  18. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Lucky. We finished over 3100 units today on a forecast of 2950 and still had over 300 carryover due by store close. Splain dat one.
  19. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    I do it because nobody takes my word for it when I tell them nobody audits anything. It's annoying as shit to be told that my team doesn't look for anything so I wave my inf audit checks in their faces to stop that nonsense.
  20. M

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    We've got 16 somewhere in the store that we're apparently just received. I'm sick of getting orders for this shit when nobody knows where the hell they are. Next time I see an order for em they're getting zeroed.