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  1. DoctorWho

    Archived The Break Room Webpage

    Yep, I would have to say I completely agree with you on that! I definitely get tired of the repeat posts. If I see one more screenshot from WebCTRL I may smash my iPad... We know! It's not working! There's already multiple posts about this! I know exactly what you mean with the patronizing...
  2. DoctorWho

    Archived Performance Reviews

    I promoted. I started with the company between 2002 and 2007 but this year was only my fourth review that I received as a PMT.
  3. DoctorWho

    Archived The Break Room Webpage

    As for this site, I have shared it with a couple of my fellow TLs and a few of my PMT peers. Both circles are a pretty tight group of people. It is a great source of moral support, and getting information when our ETLs and STLs act like some of this info is equivalent to nuclear launch codes...
  4. DoctorWho

    Archived The Break Room Webpage

    Yammer is SO much better than our old internally-built PM2GO / Inside TGT social spheres and communication tools. For one thing, it's nice to be able to actually find my old posts and receive notifications without relying on an iPad app that never works (looking at you, Social Sites! o_O) Plus...
  5. DoctorWho

    Archived Performance Reviews

    My store hasn't told us squat, or if they have they haven't done a good job getting the information to all of us (hard to believe, right...?) A PMT friend at another store in my district told me that his store had a TL meeting a few weeks ago where the ETL-HR sat down and told everyone about...
  6. DoctorWho

    Archived NEW GE SUCKS

    This is a frequent problem with my fairly new ETL-Log, and it is downright annoying! I usually mention an upcoming time-off request during my weekly status with her (LOL - I know that's funny, fellow PMTs...) and then submit it in eHR right after our status. 99% of the time, she will wait and...
  7. DoctorWho

    MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

    I have not posted on the site in a while, but I have been lurking and checking in every so often. I finally finished catching up on this thread and I will say this: If I had read this thread a year ago with my old team, I would be cautiously optimistic and excited to see some of these changes...
  8. DoctorWho

    Archived Got Fired and Marked as Non-Rehirable

    As everyone else has said, Target is never going to take another chance with you because if this. Hopefully you've learned a valuable lesson, so your best bet at this point is to move on. Focus your time and effort into finding another job; perhaps something where you wouldn't be operating a...
  9. DoctorWho

    Archived Setting up email on my iPhone (Server name?)

    I just found this thread after searching "email app." As a PMT in training, I was granted access to my new email account this week and because I am shadowing the current PMT at my store during my first few weeks of my training it is obviously not possible for us both to use one iPad as...
  10. DoctorWho

    Archived Full counters

    We've received a few Christmas items in the last two weeks, along with a couple Black Thursday items that we were low on during the 2-day ad. Guess what's going back on my last merchandise sweep before I leave Logistics?
  11. DoctorWho

    Archived AE 2015 Official Thread

    Ha ha, my thoughts exactly. Here are two things I know for sure: 1. A HomeGoods just moved into town less than 2 miles away from our store; prior to that there wasn't one within 25 miles. 2. My store is definitely getting the Home Reinvention, even though we just had a complete remodel within...
  12. DoctorWho

    Archived Be honest, do you hate working at Target?

    After 10 years here, I would have to say "NO" as well. There are bad days and good days, like any job. The good days far outnumber the bad, and as far as retail jobs go... it could be much worse!! Most of the things that happen that would make me want to quit get handed down from corporate, but...
  13. DoctorWho

    Archived How do the PDAs and LPDAs behave in your store?

    Also, when I am having a particularly frustrating day with PDA problems, I will swap it out for an LPDA. They seem to be more stable because they tend to have few (if any) lag issues on a given day. We have a handful at our store, and they're much easier to track down since the MyDevices were...
  14. DoctorWho

    Archived How do the PDAs and LPDAs behave in your store?

    Our PDAs are horrible at our store. When we first phased out the 9060s and replaced them with 9200s, I was stoked. I loved the crosshair scanner because you didn't have to constantly rotate your wrist at strange angles to scan. Then we started to notice the issues with random location labels...
  15. DoctorWho

    Archived How can I make the time go by faster?

    As the 4AM BR TM that manages bulk, I would kill to have a single person on my dayside BR team that would take initiative like this. The last few years of my backroom sentence might have gone by a lot faster. Excellent advice right here!!
  16. DoctorWho

    Archived Does you BRTM's have to follow dress code?

    Veteran BR TM here. We all wear red and khaki, but we're allowed to wear jeans or shorts before the store opens. I often come straight from my other job to my 4AM backroom shift, so it's very convenient to just throw on a red shirt and then change into my khakis during our first 15 minute break...
  17. DoctorWho

    Archived Do you think you're best at your job?

    Am I far from perfect? Yes. Am I the best at my job at my store? DEFINITELY. I used to think I was just being a little arrogant, but it is very clear how fast things fall apart when I'm not there for a day or two, especially truck days. I'm a control freak and a bit of a perfectionist when it...
  18. DoctorWho

    Archived Compost Store

    Is this something specific to PFresh or Supers? I routinely process MIRs for our Receiver and I've never seen that disposition before.
  19. DoctorWho

    Archived Batch pulling question

    Yeah, that's what causes the RFApps error. I do that all the time to pull batches in the same aisle at the same time, or my favorite - to do two backroom audit batches simultaneously when I discover they weren't done over the weekend. (Saves me A LOT of walking!!) If you try that with the same...