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  1. lavenderschanel

    Archived How do I quit just after 3 weeks of working? Should I put in a 2 week notice?

    it may be that i was in high school when i started, and the only times i changed availability was to open it !
  2. lavenderschanel

    Archived How do I quit just after 3 weeks of working? Should I put in a 2 week notice?

    wait is this true ? i've changed my availability during my 90 days
  3. lavenderschanel

    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    havent we always ?? at least at my store we've had a small corner of them all the time
  4. lavenderschanel

    Archived Transferring from a modernized area to another

    I'm getting uber confused. The original LOD i asked came up to me when i was doing a hardlines shift on friday and told me she was switching me out of C and D to Seasonal and Mini-Seasonal to help out the electronics member there that night and then said, "i already talked to [ LOD name ]. show...
  5. lavenderschanel

    Archived Doing Price Change for the First Time?

    You'd want to go onto the My Work app on your zebra where you can look up products and hit the little person icon on the top left corner. Scroll down to Price Change, hit that. Then make sure you have a zebra printer handy. I personally keep it hooked onto my pants pocket for easy access. Use...
  6. lavenderschanel

    Archived Transferring from a modernized area to another

    Update: Just asked the LOD that the message was supposed to go through if i could switch. He then told me that they ended up hiring someone when he was gone ( he's been gone since thursday ). I was also enlightened that I would LOSE MY PAY. Currently I'm at 12.50 and that would bring me to where...
  7. lavenderschanel

    Archived Square Trade DPCI?

    Electronics : Protection Plans : Target - This link should help you out if it doesn't pop up automatically. Just make sure you click the correct type of item in the filter area and then find the right price range. The DPCI is in the...
  8. lavenderschanel

    MEGATHREAD Hang Me (The Softlines Thread)

    Our fitting room has one small bar to hold every single hanger, from infants down to bras to mens. It's impossible enough finding the tiny little infant hangers for shirts, but don't get me started on the infant pant hangers. Apparently my store used to have it all organized where it was...
  9. lavenderschanel

    Archived Unpleasant TM

    If you enjoy your area then you shouldn't consider switching for the heck of getting away ! Definitely speak to HR if you are comfortable with it. Just explain your concerns and hopefully something will change for the better.
  10. lavenderschanel

    Archived Transferring from a modernized area to another

    UPDATE for anyone wondering Told my closing LOD truthfully that I would like to be transferred into electronics and her response was "Absolutely. It just depends on how much you know about electronics" – and to that, i told her the different areas I'm efficient in, which is TVS, games, game...
  11. lavenderschanel

    Archived breaks??

    I understand where you are coming from, considering I work with my S.O. whilst him being in another area. At my store, none of our 15s or 30s are scheduled. You have to work that with the team in your area that you are with that day. The only thing I could think of is someone made a complaint...
  12. lavenderschanel

    Archived Anyone know what F8 means for Softlines?

    The only thing that should be listed on your schedule as a Softlines member should be RTW, Mens, Shoes, BGI, C9, and sometimes depending on location they'll put Infant HL if they include that area as Softlines in your store. F8 might be another area of the store they are training you in. Ask a...
  13. lavenderschanel

    Archived New Softlines TM Help!!

    1. What exactly is “zoning” and is there a specific process to doing it? Zoning is a process in making sure that the salesfloor is presentable. This is going to include making sure all the tables are folded, the clothes on the rack are in size order from XS – XXL, and make sure to FINGERSPACE...
  14. lavenderschanel

    Archived Transferring from a modernized area to another

    Thanks for more responses !! I'll try to see the etl if they are in tomorrow. I've known about the girl wanting to leave electronics even though she's a month into her work. I've been kinda waiting for an opening to pop up and i'm about ready to ask and see if i can transfer !! If not, is...
  15. lavenderschanel

    MEGATHREAD Hang Me (The Softlines Thread)

    im curious whether or not your softlines area has only one rack for hangers ? i'm talking like. one rack from the fixtures and that's it. also ? do you guys have a hanger bin in the back where you have to fish through for those little infant hangers ?
  16. lavenderschanel

    Archived Transferring from a modernized area to another

    Thank you so much for the reply !!! I'm really hoping to move outta softlines soon. heck, i was even considering moving to hardlines even though their pay is lower. i feel like i can do more for the team regarding electronics and share my broader knowledge there. fashion is always changing, but...
  17. lavenderschanel

    Archived Transferring from a modernized area to another

    Hello there forums !! I'm not too sure how active this thing is, but i'm really hoping that i get a response or two on what to do by hopefully tomorrow or monday. ( im posting this on friday august 24 ) I'm /slightly/ new to my target location – i actually believe im about five months into this...