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  1. Apapaia

    Archived What makes an awesome ETL?

    I found that my cashiers were a lot happier when I was able to work into their schedule rotating weekends. I did not tell them that I was doing it, I would just make it happen. Each weekend we would have 2 cashiers off. It worked great especially when the hours were low, it was the "silver...
  2. Apapaia

    Archived What makes an awesome ETL?

    All of the above and: Understand what it means to be an hourly TM. When you overspend in one area it means someone else somewhere else in the store has to go home early. Be mindful of that. Coach for results not to be an ass. Follow up with the TMs. Close the gaps and set realistic expectation...
  3. Apapaia

    Archived Tips on becoming a team lead?

    98% of the orientations are on me. I think it has been almost a year since my ETL had an orientation. But it works out great, we are a very good team and she will take anything off my plate if I need to do orientation. At the same time when she has business college/vacation/anything else I will...
  4. Apapaia

    Archived Tips on becoming a team lead?

    Word. If necessary I work overnights, weekends, nights. 10-15% of my shifts in the past year weren't even in HR. The TM before me only did M-F 9am-5pm but was not interested in developing so that worked for her.
  5. Apapaia

    Archived Tips on becoming a team lead?

    FA is very isolated but if I were you I would agree to take some shifts. It's notmally one of the areas in the store that suffers from a lack of leadership (not lack of leaders) but can help you show your leaders how you manage execution and how you improve the processes. I started in FA, I did...
  6. Apapaia

    Archived General payroll rant

    Yeah problem is divide 1980 by 70 and see how many people get their 30 hours. OR if you want to be more accurate you could take out 40 hours for each one of the people that have 40 hours guaranteed each week 40x8=120. Take 120 hours away from the bucket 1890=1660. Now divide 1660 by 60-70...
  7. Apapaia

    Archived General payroll rant

    ULV store here. We're getting 1890 hours on a good week (that includes APTL, 1 TPS, and PMT). One of our biggest focus is retention and we were told that one of the "tricks" to keep TMs is to bring their hours up to 30 so they qualify for benefits. When I saw that email from HR BP I thought it...
  8. Apapaia

    Archived Possible promotion ahead. Suggestions? Personal Exp?

    Well it seems like there is A LOT of movement in the district and they want me to be ready in a month for any position that might open. I've been told that they got a "feeling" like it might be front end. Honestly it would be my least favorite place but I would not complain. Would you guys share...
  9. Apapaia

    Archived Possible promotion ahead. Suggestions? Personal Exp?

    Hello, Today I had a very interesting conversation with my ETL and it seems like there might be a chance to move to a TL position soon (possibly by the end of the year). I will keep the details for myself but I was wondering what TL experience you guys have. Which one would be better when it...
  10. Apapaia

    Archived No more e-mail outside of Target for non-exempts

    You sir, just made me very happy!
  11. Apapaia

    Archived No more e-mail outside of Target for non-exempts

    I was never able to access it. How do you guys do it?
  12. Apapaia

    Archived New Target Cafe Team Lead/Is this it?

    As a former FA TM: Our GSTL is also the leader that oversees FA. I've always thought that leadership was pretty much absent. Lucky for them, when I was there I worked with 2 other GREAT TMs. We were not only co-workers but friends also so there was never slack to pick up or shifts uncovered...
  13. Apapaia

    Archived Internal promotions

    It's a thing in my store. Apparently at our store we're looking for a new ETL....
  14. Apapaia

    Archived Etl lying on coaching document

    That depends. If the computer they're talking about is the one that TMs regularly use for trainings, printing order guides, use ehr or type up little projects, they're just reporting a confidentiality breech. Can't argue with the content but you can definitely bring up the fact that a leader was...
  15. Apapaia

    Archived Starting the journey towards TL

    I wouldn't feel sorry. Unless your store is completely f'ed up and never even gave him a chance to think about TL position, you have no reasons to feel sorry. You need to follow and fulfill your ambitions. Usually if you're interested in TL they will tell you what the expectations are in order...
  16. Apapaia

    Archived GSA? HR? What?!

    Update! As of monday I will be training for HR! Today I was offered and I accept the position! Wohoo for me! Thank you all for everything!
  17. Apapaia

    Archived GSA? HR? What?!

    Oh wow I really better check my grilling skills! I must say, I would be pretty excited to start working in that position!
  18. Apapaia

    Archived GSA? HR? What?!

    Thank you all for your help, advice, and brutal honesty. I don't have the position yet but if everything goes as planned, as of next week I will be in HR. I will not let this opportunity go! There's always time to get back on the floor but you don't get many opportunities to be in HR! Next week...
  19. Apapaia

    Archived GSA? HR? What?!

    Update! Today I talked to my HR ETL and she pretty much took the words out of my mouth and clarified my concerns. Apparently they opened the position yesterday (I was off) and all ETLs and the STL came up with my name when they thought of who would be a good candidate for HR. At the same time...
  20. Apapaia

    Archived GSA? HR? What?!

    In my store everyone wants it, probably because is a ULV store.