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  1. checklane01

    Store hardware upgrade

    Those touchscreens possibly replace the gift registry iPads at the service desk. The flat bed scanner project already happened I believe, Workbench can be outdated when it comes to these bundle projects. The project currently active involves replacing/installing new the registry screens, AP...
  2. checklane01

    Targets locks

    From a liability standpoint these are amazing. It eliminates the need for recore if keys go missing or get stolen, which in the long run pays off the upgrade costs. Would love to see these rolled out in more stores 😫🤧
  3. checklane01

    Target email address.

    If you were once in a role that assigned you an email such as a TL or PG 35 TM like a receiver/HR TM, you keep it when you transfer job roles. Once it’s assigned to you, it stays. Now for some reason Tech TMs get emails, not sure the reason for that. The CSC can assign you an email but it’s...
  4. checklane01

    Target covers schooling costs now

    Just an FYI, Pay and Benefits updated the info document. The benefit goes live September 1st and can be accessed at :)
  5. checklane01

    Does Target have an intranet

    All AP TMs have access as well! It is used heavily within the AP pyramid.
  6. checklane01

    Target covers schooling costs now

    you can go to to signup and get info when it officially launches in september!
  7. checklane01

    Are stores getting their brown wooden panels/facade back?

    They first removed the old wood paneling and have started to fix up the brick, but were taking their sweet time. Apparently HQ lit a fire under their ass cause we are starting our fulfillment remodel soon and need space in the parking lot. But so far they have filled and painted the holes in the...
  8. checklane01

    Remodel for pickup space

    Haha good ole Edina. I mean they were the store with the most sales company-wide in fiscal year 2020, so doesn’t surprise me. I remember for Q4 they had to have Drive-Up overflow in the main parking lot lol.
  9. checklane01

    security tag removal tools

    do you mean the one with the small circle as well as the two prongs? i’ve never been able to with those. red tags are a test merch pro concept so only certain stores have them and i am not one of those stores. so i have a limited experience with them.
  10. checklane01

    security tag removal tools

    honestly speaking most guests aka thieves are not smart enough to figure out how to unlock a spiderwrap or keeper lol. it would take them way too long to figure it out and eventually someone would see them. having a detacher mounted at sco is really no different than someone going to an empty...
  11. checklane01

    security tag removal tools

    the red clothing tags can only be taken off with the large circle magnets, not the s3 hand key that unlocks spiderwraps and keepers. ap is in charge of ordering merch pro including detachers. we have extras in our office at my store, so it wouldn’t hurt to ask your ap leader. :)
  12. checklane01

    Coupons. Deny fakes? Accept? Accept Returns? What do you do?

    there are situations where people will pay a dollar or a few cents on a prepaid visa, the rest with a gift card or cash. then they’ll go do the return and look up the receipt via the prepaid card. that’s how they get the value back in gift cards or cash without having the receipt. it’s...
  13. checklane01

    Remodel for pickup space

    I think a new entrance where the fire door is now. Not 100% sure.
  14. checklane01

    Remodel for pickup space

    We’re getting a fulfillment remodel too. Basically from what I’ve been told they are taking out roughly 8 stockroom aisles near a fire exit so DU TMs can go directly out those doors which will line up directly with the DU parking. Then apparently we’re getting walk-in coolers and freezers for...
  15. checklane01

    Remodel for pickup space

    T2313? That’s the only store in the metro I can think of that has a separate OPU entrance.
  16. checklane01

    COVID-19 June 1: The Fitting Rooms Reopen

    cant wait for style to trend in shortage 🤪😣
  17. checklane01

    COVID-19 Vaccine

    minnesota team members visit workbench to sign up for an appointment!! most stores are doing johnson & johnson as of now.
  18. checklane01

    New Brand: Favorite Day

    I’m thinking it might actually replace the Archer Farms items, especially in the bakery. My guess is anything AF that’s on the sweeter side will be eventually replaced. But who knows lol
  19. checklane01

    Shipt shoppers seem to make pretty good $

    shipt denied me lol. i applied when i still worked in dry grocery, like okay i think i would be qualified judging by the shoppers in my store.
  20. checklane01

    Assets Protection Driving Merch Protection

    This is a major issue. No leadership cares about merch protection and I don't think anyone, except those in AP, realizes the sheer amount of theft we experience in the store and how important protecting our merchandise is to all over aspects of the business. I just don't know how to get that...