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  1. blackpink

    Archived Things Team Members [Leaders] Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    via Imgflip Meme Generator When a TL happens to be upfront and says this to me after checking out someone who doesn't speak much english and paying for 1 item with cash...
  2. blackpink

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG: No, it was not extremely noticeable that you were pushing a 2 tier U Boat all throughout Target, and loading it up, along with a diaper backpack that was completely stuffed. Only to realize that we were onto you and blocking the exit.... It was not extremely noticeable that you then went...
  3. blackpink

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    I don't mind when it's just 1 item, I have them scan and pay and then I walk over to the register close by to SCO. But since they changed how the scales work, I'm now super freaked out that people will use that opportunity to steal, well more than they already were....
  4. blackpink

    To that one guest

    TTOG: I had to try really hard to be as polite as possible when you asked me if Target had gift wrapping services, and then gave me a look like you expected me to do it. As far as I know, no we don't. Gift wrap and bags are down over that way, you self entitled princess.