Archived Academic leave: don't know what to do!

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Oct 25, 2015
I'm at a crossroads right now with trying to finish my college degree in engineering while working at Target. I don't know what my options are at this point. The problem is, I've been working for target almost a year, and over the course of this time, have been urged by my ETL to work as much as possible, and keep my availability open to make his job "easier". I am now in my third semester (had to take summer classes). During the spring semester, when I was struggling with keeping up with my course load and working, he offered to accommodate me by cutting my hours. He did this temporarily, but creeped them back up from 2-3 shifts a week to 3-5 consistently. Flash-forward to this semester, after failing a class over the summer due to this (that I am now re-taking this semester), and at the beginning (in August), I saw HR about putting in my two weeks' notice bc I wasn't confident he would stick to keeping my hours down at this point. So he walks up and interrupts our conversation as she's telling me about academic leave, and offers to keep me at one shift a week for the semester. I like making money, so that seemed a fair compromise at the time. Now he has scheduled me consistently two shifts a week for the last three weeks, and I'm even scheduled 3 for the new schedule. He warned me about this by offering that another ETL made the schedule not knowing about our arrangement, and assured me he would fix it. This still doesn't fix the two shifts he scheduled me aside from that!!! I plan on speaking with HR ASAP about this, but I'm just curious if there's any way I don't have to put in my notice, and can speed along the academic LOA so I don't have to rage-quit altogether bc there's NO WAY I can keep doing this run-around.
I'm at a crossroads right now with trying to finish my college degree in engineering while working at Target. I don't know what my options are at this point. The problem is, I've been working for target almost a year, and over the course of this time, have been urged by my ETL to work as much as possible, and keep my availability open to make his job "easier". I am now in my third semester (had to take summer classes). During the spring semester, when I was struggling with keeping up with my course load and working, he offered to accommodate me by cutting my hours. He did this temporarily, but creeped them back up from 2-3 shifts a week to 3-5 consistently. Flash-forward to this semester, after failing a class over the summer due to this (that I am now re-taking this semester), and at the beginning (in August), I saw HR about putting in my two weeks' notice bc I wasn't confident he would stick to keeping my hours down at this point. So he walks up and interrupts our conversation as she's telling me about academic leave, and offers to keep me at one shift a week for the semester. I like making money, so that seemed a fair compromise at the time. Now he has scheduled me consistently two shifts a week for the last three weeks, and I'm even scheduled 3 for the new schedule. He warned me about this by offering that another ETL made the schedule not knowing about our arrangement, and assured me he would fix it. This still doesn't fix the two shifts he scheduled me aside from that!!! I plan on speaking with HR ASAP about this, but I'm just curious if there's any way I don't have to put in my notice, and can speed along the academic LOA so I don't have to rage-quit altogether bc there's NO WAY I can keep doing this run-around.

Change your availability?
RUN, don't walk to your ETL-HR's office & ask her what to do to put in for your LOA ASAP.
The problem with that (changing my availability), is he has to approve it, and has made it clear in no certain terms, that my scheduling will be even worse with less availability. But yeah, changing to weekends only may help. But then again, I have the other issue of only seeing my children every other weekend and half holidays, and that would really interfere with that. I hope HR will work with me, and I don't have to put in my notice. I like working here, otherwise, and feel I contribute a lot to the store.
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Keep pushing on the LOA, but in the meantime put the extra shifts in the swap book
Just get an loa form from tsc fill it out and give it to your etl hr they can't deny it
Fuck Target. Do whatever is best for you. If your degree will get you out of retail, do not care at all about what Target says or thinks about it. Your future is more important than getting people to sign up for red cards and asking customers(yes they're customers, not guests because no one invited them) if you can help them find something.
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