Archived Bonuses

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Oct 26, 2014
I heard certain management get bonuses according to how many redcard they get and how many hours are cut. Is this true?
TL's do not. Only bonus TL's get is they get to keep there jobs.
And PB&J in the breakroom during 4thAt least from what I have read before on here lol
I though only STLs did.
My ETL said they get bonuses but the STL gets the biggest bonus for the most metrics. I.e. Giving hours back....which is why there's a skeleton crew usually makes sense, making the YTD, if the percentage in comp is up, redcards are a huge metric to go towards bonuses this year, hiring externals, internals being promoted to ETL goes toward their bonus too I heard......I heard the bonus is guaranteed but how BIG it'll be depends on those factors
STLs get a big bonus for comping up while saving hours. There's a ton of other things they can do to add to their bonus as well.

But only if the rest of their store is green as well.
You aren't going to get a bonus for saving hours if your numbers and sales suck.

That's the thing about bonus talk it doesn't take a lot of things into account.
Now I'm just as disgusted by how the money stays at the top and people get their hours cut but the store has to be golden for bonuses to be handed out.
Beating sales, comping up, controlling payroll expenses, beating Red Card goals, and I believe retention is part of it this year, as it's a company focus. I'm sure there are other factors I've missed.
Thanks guys a lot of different look in this topic. I just needed some clarification, because I understand the whole payroll situation. But giving the fact that various employees left at my store including about 2 or 3 bothers me that they have the audacity to say they got no hours..I don't like talking about stuff like this because there's more then what meets the eye, but it really bothers me knowing that and they want to cut hours. And when I heard that they get some type of bonuses for cutting hours I got really upset. If there's more info you guys can share by all means comment. Thank you
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