Archived Boyfriend wants to apply for a job...

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Jul 30, 2011
I am a Flow Team Member. My boyfriend is looking for a second part-time job and has submitted an application for the same position. I heard that relationships were okay as long as one didn't report directly to the other. I guess I'd like some advice on this in general. If he gets an interview, should he mention it? Same question for if he would get hired.

I'm sure some feel that it's best to not say anything. But I'd hate for others to find out and then the leads wonder why we didn't say anything. Plus, he's been shopping in the store with me. Others have probably noticed that and might recognize him.

I realize I'm thinking way ahead, as he just filled out the application yesterday. I'd just like to know the best way to go about this should things progress.
It could work either way,in my store it would not be an issue and depending how mgt view you it might even be a positive,not sure how much more hiring is going to be done at this stage,our store has overhired but we did have one tm start today,most of our new flow team are only getting two 4/5 hr shifts but are getting some extra hours because of call outs on the salesfloor or cashier,good luck.
I wouldn't say anything in the interview, but maybe you could put in a good word for him with HR and explain that you think he'd be a great TM. I don't think it's really a big deal, though. We have a couple TMs who started working because their relative or friend already worked there (we've had one engaged couple, one TL's sister works for us, another TM's daughter works for us, and there's multiple relationships within our store), and no one's bothered by it.
At our store it's not a problem especially for the flow team.
We are more likely to hire family, they tend to keep each other in line.
We have husband/wife, mother/daughter, father/daughter.
They are our hardest workers.
Are stores even hiring team members right now when in about a month they'll be laying off a lot of their seasonal help?
Depends on whether or not any regular TMs quit or get fired. That can happen any time of year.
Actually, our store is still hiring for seasonal Flow Team Members. When you apply online, it tells you if there are positions available. Seasonal cashiers are filled up, but not Flow Team, I guess.

So after looking at everyone's replies... I should tell them that he's submitted an application? I'd be afraid they'd just think I'm putting in a good word for him because he's my boyfriend. But I honestly do think he'd be good on Flow Team.
Actually, our store is still hiring for seasonal Flow Team Members. When you apply online, it tells you if there are positions available. Seasonal cashiers are filled up, but not Flow Team, I guess.

Maybe your store didn't hire as many TMs for flow as they were expecting to, so the positions just haven't been filled. A lot of stores seemed to have trouble finding seasonal help this year for some reason.

So after looking at everyone's replies... I should tell them that he's submitted an application? I'd be afraid they'd just think I'm putting in a good word for him because he's my boyfriend. But I honestly do think he'd be good on Flow Team.

I wouldn't tell them right then and there that he's your boyfriend, but putting in a good word for him can't hurt, especially if you honestly believe that he would be great on the flow team.
Okay... so... when do I work in the "he's my boyfriend" part, and how do I tell them how I know him when I'm putting in a good word for him?
Okay... so... when do I work in the "he's my boyfriend" part, and how do I tell them how I know him when I'm putting in a good word for him?

If you're going to put in a good word for him, I think you need to tell them he's your boyfriend. It just seems awkward to me for you to go in and tell people he would be a great worker and then a week later come out and say "Oh....BTW, he's my bf".

That being said, I ,personally, don't think I would say anything to them about it. I've interviewed a couple of people who were friends/relatives of team members and its awkward to 'not recommend' them. But really, that's not your problem. If there is the slightest chance of your recommendation giving him an advantage, I think you should do it.
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