Archived Browser for TNT

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Oct 13, 2011
I am completely lost on setting the browser for TNT, I just kind of wing it. Anybody kind enought to give a play by play for me?
Probably mean ENT. How many other browsers are there in the store?
The paper planogram will tell you what cards to add and what cards to delete. Most of the time I don't actually take stuff out unless I'm running out of room which is happening a lot now that the top two shelves are planogrammed. Also, in the signing and labeling pc you can print off all title cards for the week under HQ sign batches instead of creating them yourself.

The browser should have at a maximum 3 facings of a single cd and no more than 3 different CDs per pocket. The top two shelves are strictly planogrammed and the bottom three are browser. Every album in the browser should have a title card in the grey artist card holder and any applicable promotional signing in the black browser sign holders. Albums are alphabetized by the first letter artist's last name if it is a single person or by the first letter of the band's name if it is a band (ignoring a, an, the, los, las, etc.).
tnt=tune in tuesday.

just change the label strips for the top two shelves and stick a couple copies of the new CDs with an artist card in their alphabetical spot in the browser space.
+1 Also, throw away the bottom 3 strips as they would be pointless to put up and is best practice. I still don't get why they still make them, oh well.

tnt=tune in tuesday.

just change the label strips for the top two shelves and stick a couple copies of the new CDs with an artist card in their alphabetical spot in the browser space.
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