Can I get fired for an argument outside of work? (It was possibly another coworker)

Nov 14, 2022
So I went to pick up food right by my work and I accidentally cut someone off in traffic (completely my fault, I couldn’t see that well because it was dark) well the other driver pulled up next to me and him and my boyfriend started yelling at each other, the other guy beeped a few times and then I went on with my day. I didn’t say anything to the other driver or escalate the situation at all. Well now that I think more about it, it could have been someone I work with (like I said, it was dark) I’m not sure if it was or not though. I wasn’t on the clock and I didn’t fight with the other person. Can I get in trouble or fired for this?
No, you were off the clock and off Spot’s property, so it’s absolutely none of Target’s business. You should be fine. The way corporate runs everything else, Heaven help us all if they ever get to be the traffic police. When dealing with Spot it never hurts to watch your back, though, because you might not know who is whose little pet TM. Just a general observation. Good luck!
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So I went to pick up food right by my work and I accidentally cut someone off in traffic (completely my fault, I couldn’t see that well because it was dark) well the other driver pulled up next to me and him and my boyfriend started yelling at each other, the other guy beeped a few times and then I went on with my day. I didn’t say anything to the other driver or escalate the situation at all. Well now that I think more about it, it could have been someone I work with (like I said, it was dark) I’m not sure if it was or not though. I wasn’t on the clock and I didn’t fight with the other person. Can I get in trouble or fired for this?
You’d think no but yes you can this is how i got fired
This was part of a tm s bullying another. Apparently going too slow getting off fwy so they tailgate, honk, and race around...only to get to the timeclock together at the same time. Reported it; to add to on going investigatio/complaint but aha they were a favorite. Sooooo, when the bullied tM got suddenly pulled from the floor in plano, and put on truck 5 days a week, they filed " retaliation by SD" and yeah bully stayed but SD disappeared. So depending how it's handled someone will eventually go.
No, you were off the clock and off Spot’s property, so it’s absolutely none of Target’s business. You should be fine. The way corporate runs everything else, Heaven help us all if they ever get to be the traffic police. When dealing with Spot it never hurts to watch your back, though, because you might not know who is whose little pet TM. Just a general observation. Good luck!
It was near it though, like the road in front of it. Does that count?