Archived Cartwheel not discounting all items

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Former team member
Jun 27, 2012
Does anyone know why Cartwheel isn't discounting all items? I know the limit is four per transaction (as it shows on the product page). However, I only saw three items discounted on the receipt.
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All the exact same item? I have seen where it only picked up certain DCPI's like the blue shirts but not the black ones where the deal "%15 off All A New Day V-Neck short sleeve shirts"

Beyond that I have nothing but so not surprised at Cartwheel being screwy.
Cartwheel has always been kinda buggy. Definitely had things not show up as eligible for a discount when scanning the barcode but on checkout the discount applies. Annoying.
There is a manufacturers' coupon for Pampers diapers ($2.00 off) that NEVER scans.
This week the Kellogg's cereals aren't being discounted either.
I don't cashier much, but my first couple weeks we had a ton of trouble with a raisin coupon not working despite guests clearly having the right items.
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