Archived Cashing Out Giftcards

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Oct 7, 2013
Anyone else ever have anyone attempt to cash out like 35 giftcards at one time? I hate these people. The giftcards they have are obviously from a fast pack. So they are using stolen credit cards to buy these or committing return fraud then buying a fast pack with one giant giftcard to break it down. In CA you have to cash out giftcards 9.99 or under. However there's not a limit to how many we can or can't do. So our STL said that when these people come in, to only do 2 and they can go somewhere else to try and commit their fraud. What scumbags these people are.
That sounds like a nightmare. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that nonsense, in MN there are no laws forcing cash back on gift cards. The reason states have these laws is because retailers get a ton of money from unused gift cards, most with small denominations left on them. Sad to see it being abused in this way.
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