Archived CCA's for TL's

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Jul 20, 2011
So I was having a debate with one of my peer TL's about the possibility of someone being put on a corrective action for a red DTK metric.. I will not say what numbers I am talking about for obvious reasons. The exec has brought it up a few times as a potential counseling if the number does not improve in the future. Out of curiousity, on what basis can an ETL put a TL on a corrective action for a metric that the TL has coached TMs for continuously and tried to change the culture
The TL is expected to attempt different incentives/punishments in order to get results (& to find what works for his team).
If, despite all his/her efforts, nothing works then a change in leadership (the TL) is next. Nothing personal, it's just business.
So I was having a debate with one of my peer TL's about the possibility of someone being put on a corrective action for a red DTK metric.. I will not say what numbers I am talking about for obvious reasons. The exec has brought it up a few times as a potential counseling if the number does not improve in the future. Out of curiousity, on what basis can an ETL put a TL on a corrective action for a metric that the TL has coached TMs for continuously and tried to change the culture

They can put you on a CA anytime for anything on your Core Roles that you don't do on a "regular" basis (whatever THEY say is "regular"). They have to give you 30 days to improve...but that's ALL they have to give you. Then you go to a Final Warning and 30 days after that you are gone. Even if you improve, they can always say that "yeah, you did improve, but it wasn't enough! You're fired!" So if your metric goes up during your 30 days, they can still fire you for it not going up enough.

Believe me, I have seen all of this happen. I was put on a corrective action a few years ago for not having a "Green Zone" on a daily basis in EVERY aisle of my backroom. (This was at another store.) My ETL-LOG was on a Final Warning himself and I am sure he wanted to take someone with him before he was terminated, so he devised his little "zoning issue scheme" to get me. He failed because I came up with an action plan that addressed every point on the CA. I submitted a copy to him on a daily basis for 30 days. I also sent a recap copy to my STL and DTL every two weeks.

By the way, I was solid green in every backroom metric for the year. We were leading the district in the total backroom score. The trucks got done every day within the goal times and I led a highly productive team. We had no weak team members. Even with all of this, I was written up. So if your boss wants you out, he is going to find something on your Core Roles that he can get you on.

I was one step ahead of my ETL-LOG, but even with all of my action plan documentation, he tried to put me on a Final anyway. The STL nixed the Final and my boss was fired later that week. I won that round.

I got tired of all the crap I was getting as a leader, however, and finally stepped down in March of this year after 11 years. You can only take so much. I was on three medications last year at this time as a TL. This year, as a TM, I sleep like a baby!
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The TL is expected to attempt different incentives/punishments in order to get results (& to find what works for his team).
If, despite all his/her efforts, nothing works then a change in leadership (the TL) is next. Nothing personal, it's just business.

I agree with this, too.

Sometimes a change is justified, but, the right way, in my opinion of course, is to make it a team effort with ideas and input from the STL on down to the ETL, TL and TM's. "What can we all do to get the numbers up?" mentality. But most stores are not like this and they have to blame someone, usually the Team Lead, unfortunately.
That's crazy..especially if you had the highest backroom score in the district.. Maybe your LOG was trying to save his job by bringing down his leaders..
That's crazy..especially if you had the highest backroom score in the district.. Maybe your LOG was trying to save his job by bringing down his leaders..

I think it was jealousy. I had a great relationship with my team & my peers. He was hated by most. He had very poor people and communication skills. His work ethic was even worse. I could work rings around him and I was twice his age.

He was so low that he bypassed my HR and sent the corrective action to the district HR to sign off on it. She didn't know a thing about me or my green scores. He also delivered my CA to me on a day that my STL was out of town at a Group meeting. What a slimeball!

As I said, I won the round and kept my job, but I know of many good leaders over the years who did not survive. It is a shame. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
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thats odd... according to the new "achieving excellence" guide, dtk score are supposed to be a BASIS for operational excellence and aren't even supposed to be taken in account for your review (that's in the guide AND an answer i received from my support when they jacked up our dtk score for transitions). of course, they don't need that excuse when they can fire you for insubordination for just about anything.
Wait a minute, DTK scores aren't supposed to be taken into account on our reviews? That's news to me! My exec has reminded me a number of times the numbers that I put on my review last year.
yeppers. it was news to me too. i get all riled up when dtk gets jacked up and our scores drop. but according to bp (which i've never seen executed when it comes to ae and tl rankings), dtk is for finding problem areas, not an "i got ya".
yeppers. it was news to me too. i get all riled up when dtk gets jacked up and our scores drop. but according to bp (which i've never seen executed when it comes to ae and tl rankings), dtk is for finding problem areas, not an "i got ya".

Call 9-1-1!!!! I just died laughing.
Wait a minute, DTK scores aren't supposed to be taken into account on our reviews? That's news to me! My exec has reminded me a number of times the numbers that I put on my review last year.

Target will tell you DTK scores are not to be used as a part of your review so thats why they do not fix them when they are red because of some HQ or system screw up. When you try to get them corrected they will send you a message on MySupport saying that DTKs score are not to be used for reviews etc. so they will not bother to fix them. That is what Target HQ says but we all know what they say and what is reallity do not always match.
Target will tell you DTK scores are not to be used as a part of your review so thats why they do not fix them when they are red because of some HQ or system screw up. When you try to get them corrected they will send you a message on MySupport saying that DTKs score are not to be used for reviews etc. so they will not bother to fix them. That is what Target HQ says but we all know what they say and what is reallity do not always match.

Amen. A lot of times stores do not follow Best Practice whenever it doesn't suit their needs. As long as the store is profitable, then corporate looks the other way.
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