Archived #cleanlinessproblems

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Apr 27, 2015
My GE has given me the honor of captainshipping cleanliness - cool - I love cleaning!

However, all of my registers are covered in dirt, dust, and bag tabs. My best friend in the whole world, Steritech, has failed us for about a year now. Payroll is "reallllly tight" so I can't simply delegate a few registers a day to a cashier like the good ol' days. I can deep clean a register like nobody's business but getting my team to buy in the daily upkeep isn't going so well.

Anyone have any ideas other than asking my GE to schedule me at 6am exclusively to clean?

Also, who should be doing garbage removal? It's not as consistent as I'd like it to be. Housekeeping? Cart attendants?
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The cleaning crew will only remove the trash the next morning, once. But just because they do it does not mean the team shouldn't be doing it all day long. It's up to the front lanes to be in charge of cleanliness and appereance during the day.
Seek advice and guidance from your PMT. Perhaps he/she can help you, or motivate the cleaning crew to do a little bit of work outside of their scope.

It's tough for us to get buy in from
Anyone to support cleanliness and appearance, he or she should be thrilled to have somebody else on board.
I once gave ea of my cashiers a paperclip during their down time.
I pulled it open & ran it around between the register keys down to the bottom where I pulled out the BIGGEST dust worm.
I told them the biggest worm wins a prize.
Next I showed them how to tilt the register back a little & do a quick single sweep underneath.
We had enough pens/highlighters to last us 'til Q4.
I pick a slow day (usually a rainy weekday) and deep clean each register as quickly as I can. I push a cart from lane to lane and quickly gather all trash from each one and trow it in. After each lane is done I go step by step.
1. Trash
2. Make sure I remove anything that doesn't go there. (The key to keeping them clean is to have only what they need. There can't be a mess if there's nothing to make a mess of.)
3. Wipe the belts down
4. Wipe surfaces
5. Dust the actual register part.

If I have the time I clean out the drawers too.

When I close GSA I have a routine for maintenance. I take a cart with me with a box of bags and a small bag in the seat for coupons. I put abandons in the cart and make sure the lane is stocked with bags. I tidy the drawer while I get coupons. I pick up any trash. About once a week I dust (doing this thoroughly will eliminate the need to use cleaner to wipe off a thick layer that builds up with time.
My GSTL is such a stickler for clean front lanes. Every night, we're expected to have every register swept out and dusted down, with no bags stuffed anywhere and no bag tabs lying anywhere, belt and surfaces sanitized. Otherwise he will literally go ballistic. (we're expected to delegate most of this to our cashiers of course, but I usually end up doing half the work myself between boredom and not having enough cashiers...) My fellow GSAs and I once got an email every day for a week when it hadn't been done to his standards. Granted, we are a fairly small GM store and we only have 14 checklanes, so it's not completely unreasonable. Still a bit annoying though haha. (and I often slack when he's on vacation until the night before he's back... But shh, I never said that.)

I don't really have any advice on the immediate situation, but I've seen the results from how picky my GSTL can be, and getting the team into a daily cleaning habit is the only long term solution I know of. Especially if you have a ton of registers.
I am probably the only person at the front-end at my store who is really nitpicky about cleanliness. I always tell my cashiers to stop shoving crinkled up bags all over the registers, but most of them ignore me or tell me to stop worrying about "small things" like that. But I don't think it's a small issue at all. There's no reason to have a filthy register.
Cleaning crew should be doing trash in the AM. Cart attendant for the rest of the day.
The CA should have a key to the trash compactor, IMO.

It's not rocket science.
The CA should have a key to the trash compactor, IMO.

It's not rocket science.

Yeah, no.

Or do you mean for cardboard and paper?

The reason nobody but a ETL gets a key to the compacter is that people can use it as a way to steal stuff.
I have a tm on flow that needs a deep cleaning! Sad but true. Maybe a large paper clip and degreaser!

Well… there once was this time where the store I was working requisitioned deodorant for a few team members that were more aromatic than the rest of the store would have liked them to be. the vapors that were coming off these folk… 'twas the stuff of legends, I tell you. Legends.

I don't EVEN wanna know where you'd use the paperclip....:eek:

The paper clip is to pinch your nose closed so you can get near enough to them to tell them they smell like month old cabbage without passing out.
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