Archived Did I hit compliance?

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Jul 27, 2015
I was scheduled for 4.5 hours (California) and was asked to stay a little longer. Started at 7:00 and clocked out at 11:52 (which is what it said on the digital time clock). I'm not sure if it rounds up to 5 hours or not or if it's just 4 hours and 52 minutes which would mean I didn't hit compliance? Not sure how the time clock works. Thanks
You didn't hit compliance, but you may have come closer than you think. You said you started at 7:00 - but did you punch in at exactly 7:00? The clock will let you punch in up to 5 minutes early, so if you punched at 6:55 you came within 3 minutes of compliance.
It's so silly having to always be worrying about being non-compliant.

There are more important things to be concerned with!!!
You're fine, but like @TiedAndDropped said you do need to watch/remember what time you clocked in.

I've gotten incredibly close to compliance so many times, still haven't hit it though :cool:
Thanks for the responses. I believe I clocked in at exactly 7:00 since I was waiting by the time clock when my shift started.
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