Archived Doc for unproductivity

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Feb 19, 2019
Hi, yesterday I was working 1:30 to 9:45, I’m hardlines, I had spent 2ish hours backup cashiering, and about 45 minutes total helping guests and did 2 3 tiers of reshop and half a metro, the final 2 hours of my shift the LOD that is the “asshole” of the store told me to zone C and D by the end of the night which is about 85 aisles and I said ok and started zoning. I got a ridiculously full 3 tier full of misplaced stuff after my quick zone and started doing the towel wall, I ended up finishing 1 aisle of towels and half of the towel wall and a quick zone through both C and D and after 1 hour of zoning the LOD told me that she was documenting me for unproductivity. That really annoyed me, I skipped my last 15 to do work and when I told her that most of my time was spent on towels she blatantly said that it looked like towels was untouched, that annoyed me, I know that I could have done a better zone but my back was hurting and I was tired after 6ish hours of hard working I think I did a reasonable amount of work.
One of the nice managers of the store told me earlier about moving me from hardlines to another position with a small pay raise because they needed more people and he thought I was a good and fast worker which really made me happy but what if he sees that Doc and changes his mind?

PS also because I’m not the fucking flash I could probably spend about 2 hours getting a decent zone on all 6 aisles of towels and the towel wall, that is before zoning the other 75ish aisles
Hi, yesterday I was working 1:30 to 9:45, I’m hardlines, I had spent 2ish hours backup cashiering, and about 45 minutes total helping guests and did 2 3 tiers of reshop and half a metro, the final 2 hours of my shift the LOD that is the “asshole” of the store told me to zone C and D by the end of the night which is about 85 aisles and I said ok and started zoning. I got a ridiculously full 3 tier full of misplaced stuff after my quick zone and started doing the towel wall, I ended up finishing 1 aisle of towels and half of the towel wall and a quick zone through both C and D and after 1 hour of zoning the LOD told me that she was documenting me for unproductivity. That really annoyed me, I skipped my last 15 to do work and when I told her that most of my time was spent on towels she blatantly said that it looked like towels was untouched, that annoyed me, I know that I could have done a better zone but my back was hurting and I was tired after 6ish hours of hard working I think I did a reasonable amount of work.
One of the nice managers of the store told me earlier about moving me from hardlines to another position with a small pay raise because they needed more people and he thought I was a good and fast worker which really made me happy but what if he sees that Doc and changes his mind?

PS also because I’m not the fucking flash I could probably spend about 2 hours getting a decent zone on all 6 aisles of towels and the towel wall, that is before zoning the other 75ish aisles

Without getting to actually see how you worked I would have to say the LOD was just trying to use fear as a motivator. Everyone here is short-handed on credit when due but has full of bags of shit their leadership fed them for every little thing.

I don't think the other TL will look at the documented performance and think anything of it. If the LOD is the "asshole" of the store then I bet they'll ask them about it and that's it. I would say if you're really motivated to get into a new department I would talk to them about what happened, the performance doc, and give them a chance to tell you if there's anything you could improve. See if there's any update on getting a department swap.
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