Archived Does any one know?

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Nov 17, 2011
Does anyone know if your 90 days is up from the day you hired (seasonal) or does your time start over from they day you start as a non-seasonal after the holidays?
it starts from the day they key you as a regular team member - I just finished keying those from the holiday hires. I key the effective date. Your anniversary date is always the date you are originally hired as seasonal, but for benefits and such, your 90 days starts from your effective date.
90 day reviews are given when the seasonal hire reaches their 90 days from original hire date, that point usually coinciding with being promoted to regular team member.
it starts from the day they key you as a regular team member - I just finished keying those from the holiday hires. I key the effective date. Your anniversary date is always the date you are originally hired as seasonal, but for benefits and such, your 90 days starts from your effective date.

This is interesting! So when your hired as seasonal and we keep you say 90 days, then decide were keeping you on a regular team member it's 90days from there until you would get a 90 day performance review? the only reason I ask is that our ETL-HR is making us write 90 reviews for those team members that were seasonal that were keeping. so would that be wrong?
This is interesting! So when your hired as seasonal and we keep you say 90 days, then decide were keeping you on a regular team member it's 90days from there until you would get a 90 day performance review? the only reason I ask is that our ETL-HR is making us write 90 reviews for those team members that were seasonal that were keeping. so would that be wrong?

And if i kept reading all the posts before asking that question, I would have realized that you already answered it...... Sorry, it's been a long week with remodel markdowns!
The best person to talk to about how and when Seasonal status ends would be your ETL HR
I've found that the 'talk to the E-in charge of that department' line only works as far as you are lucky enough to have a competent E.
Which is to say you have maybe a 70/30 chance of everything being OK if it's pretty simple, with your odds plummeting exponentially the more complicated the problem.
For vocation, sick hours, premium holiday pay, and personal time is after your 90 days ends as seasonal.
ETL HR's have TONS of resources, so if they don't personally know the answer to any given question, they have LOTS of resources of people and places they can go or call or email to get the answer. Sometimes the TMSC has the answer too
ETL HR's have TONS of resources, so if they don't personally know the answer to any given question, they have LOTS of resources of people and places they can go or call or email to get the answer. Sometimes the TMSC has the answer too

at my store they ask me, which is why I learned so much. They don't usually have the time since they are the LOD, away at a meeting, having a comp day, closing, vacation, promoted to another store. You get the idea?
Our hrtm is the go-to person since our ETL-HR is, as Annie said, LOD, away at a meeting, having a comp day, closing, vac cay, etc.
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