Archived Does everyone get a fair opportunity?

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Nov 2, 2011
I'm sure this has been discussed to death before, but I am new to The Break Room and I am really wondering if 'older' team members are even considered for TL openings. In my store, all of the older TL's have been in that position for years. I have seen no one selected to become a TL who is even out of their 20's or 30's, much less in their 50's like myself. The ETL's treat the older workers like mascots or pets, so much fun to have around, but not to be taken seriously. And they wonder why the constant parade of 'executives in training', which is code for 'this is my first job' are not embraced by older and more experienced workers. Am I paranoid or over-reacting, or is there some subliminal bias that if you're not young you can't be fast enough, fun enough or friendly enough?
No, you're not paranoid or over-reacting. And it's not just appearances, either.
I was reading the most recent edition of Red magazine & skimmed through the anniversaries in the back. There's a few ETLs, & TLs that were long-timers but there were LOTS long-timers who were merely TMs.
At my store we have three TLs hired in the last 3-4 months that were in their 50s, one was a promotion and the others from the outside.
It varies store to store. But it is becoming of growing situation now with Target wanting to look young and hip.

I started Target when I was 22. I was being prompted for a TL position but took a second job that was more in my field of experience along with Target. I came back Target full time with the promise of being considered for TL. But I and several other older TMs ended up being totally ignored.

While freshmen college aged kids with less than 1 year at Target got the positions.
It varies store to store. But it is becoming of growing situation now with Target wanting to look young and hip.

I started Target when I was 22. I was being prompted for a TL position but took a second job that was more in my field of experience along with Target. I came back Target full time with the promise of being considered for TL. But I and several other older TMs ended up being totally ignored.

While freshmen college aged kids with less than 1 year at Target got the positions.

Do you have a degree, or are you working on one? If not, this topic has been discussed ad nauseum.
No, you're not paranoid or over-reacting. And it's not just appearances, either.
I was reading the most recent edition of Red magazine & skimmed through the anniversaries in the back. There's a few ETLs, & TLs that were long-timers but there were LOTS long-timers who were merely TMs.

That's so weird, I was just noticing the same thing! I couldn't imagine working for Target for 10, 15, 20 years and still being just a team member. Wonder if that's my future I'm staring at? I have a bachelor's degree but am in my late 40's and I'm pretty sure I have a snowball's chance in h*** of being promoted.
Even if you're younger, if you aren't a member of the 'joe quarterback, susie cheerleader, amy gleeclub' gang you are pretty much screwed as well.
They are looking for a certain 'type'.
Youthful, fast, friendly and full of it.
Do you have a degree, or are you working on one? If not, this topic has been discussed ad nauseum.
If you really like to know...YES I DO

And I no longer work for Bulleyes...and love it.
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If you can maintain a youthful physique, darken your hair, daily teeth whitening, slip a little 'youthspeak' into daily convos & do nothing that indicates age then, yes, you might have a chance to advance.
I've talked to long-timers who never moved up & the secret is they are content where they are & learn everything the can so they're the best in that spot.
Even if you're younger, if you aren't a member of the 'joe quarterback, susie cheerleader, amy gleeclub' gang you are pretty much screwed as well.
They are looking for a certain 'type'.
Youthful, fast, friendly and full of it.

You are so right!!!
If you can maintain a youthful physique, darken your hair, daily teeth whitening, slip a little 'youthspeak' into daily convos & do nothing that indicates age then, yes, you might have a chance to advance.
I've talked to long-timers who never moved up & the secret is they are content where they are & learn everything the can so they're the best in that spot.

A hair transplant might help too!!
I've talked to long-timers who never moved up & the secret is they are content where they are & learn everything the can so they're the best in that spot.

The ones at my Super who are in the same position and have been since the store opened say the exact same thing. They are happy. How you can be happy being in the same TM position for years is beyond me, but what do I know? Lol.
You mean to say Target hire's from within and makes decisions based on... wait for it... merit? NO!!!

I know, caught me off guard... in the last 1.5 years at my current store we have had 8 or 9 promotion from TM to TL and only 4? TL hires from the outside world. At my old store they would die before promoting a TM!!!! hence the turnover for TLs there was like 4 months.
This is just a general issue with management for corporations. Also, young and fresh out of school = impressionable/malleable and less attached to their surrounding team members.
You are so right!!!

Ditto. I was pursued for TL for years, but its not my cup of tea. I work hard, smart and quick, but I know I don't have the personality to be a TL that would be successful at Target. ESPECIALLY in the past few years. I know I'm great as a signing specialist, but I would be miserable as a TL. Its just not me. Signing is always different and the success of my position is in my hands completely.

Redeye, you have described me to a "T".

OP, if you really think you have what it takes to be a TL, ask a etl to mentor you. They love that kind of thing. Dress as if you are going to Target church every day, get all the lingo down pat, volunteer for all the committees, write millions of team recognition cards, and remember to ask "CIHYFS" especially in front of etls... Oh, and don't ever ever ever complain about anything.

I guess I'm a bit jaded....
Heck my sister-in-law only has a couple years of college, and isn't all that bright and not a Team Player....but she is a Assistant Store Manager of a Super WalMart. Her hours suck though 3-4 days of 12am-12pm, or 12pm-12am.
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