Archived email?

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Aug 28, 2011
Does every team member receive a email address? The reason I ask is because VZW says they can apply my 20% discount to my account immediately with one. If I fax it they say it could take a month or two
No, your mailbox is provisioned only when your jobcode shows you as a Team Lead or higher.
... Wait, GSAs gets email? I'm a PA and would love to have email (it would make communicating with overnight / TLs so much easier!) Besides, PAs are a higher level than GSAs so shouldn't that mean we would get it as well?
Its not GSAs and above... Its All team leaders and above who have email, with some exceptions for job codes below (specifically GSAs or Cash Office)
I was able to get my verizon discount by sending a copy of my paystub online and it took effect on my next bill.
Hmm, thanks for the info Rock. I wonder what led them to the decision to give email to GSAs then?
"I wonder what led them to the decision to give email to GSAs then?"

It's probably because GSAs work CO, and sometimes have to communicate CO issues with AP and/or the store auditor.
So GSA's do receive emails? I just was promoted to GSAand was told that I didn't get email. That is my primary form of communication, as I have used a personal email addy I set up for work to communicate with some leaders about certain things, I'd love to just have a email. I did notice when on Workbench in the top right after being promoted it said "Email (1)" yet I have no credentials for it.
So GSA's do receive emails? I just was promoted to GSAand was told that I didn't get email. That is my primary form of communication, as I have used a personal email addy I set up for work to communicate with some leaders about certain things, I'd love to just have a email. I did notice when on Workbench in the top right after being promoted it said "Email (1)" yet I have no credentials for it.

Did you click on the email tag?
If you did and your # and password didn't work when you tried to log in, talk to your HR.
They should be able to fix it, took a while to get mine to work.
Thanks guys, I figured that one out after playing around a few days ago. I just became a GSA, and none of the other GSA's knew they had email. Haha I told my GSTL and had an email in my inbox the next day from her saying "I'm so excited you guys all have email!"
Target's DNS silently drops your emails if they aren't whitelisted 😉
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