Archived Every time I go to this forum, it's mostly "have no hours" posts

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Flow Driver
Jun 26, 2011
I lurk most of the time here, checking the site at leat 4 times a week. When I go here, most posts I see are "no hours," making me worry every time that I might lose hours.

I get 38 hours a week (Logistics BR).

98% of our Flow get 22hrs, 2% have 30hrs. Around 16-20 TMs. 4 1800-2200 trucks, 3 Pfresh trucks a week.

Backroom have 4 TMs, all of us have 38 hrs per week.

Backroom dayside, 4 TMs each day.

Not sure about the other workcenter hours but we have at least.

6 TMs in Hardlines, 6 in Softlines, 6 Cashiers, 2 Guest Service, 2 Cart Attendants, 2-3 Electronics, 2-3 Instocks, 2-3 Price Change, 1 Receiving, 1 Signing, 3-4 Presentation, 1 Inventory.

That's everyday, except for Presentation, Signing, Receiving, Price Change, who don't work weekends.

Not quite sure how many TMs in ad signing.

We currently have 8 TLs.

That's the layout in my store. 2 other Targets about 7 miles from my store.
yeah and a lot of them were just like you until a new stl fired all the team leaders, tore the teams to shambles, and they got some retarded new team leader with 5 years of leadership at taco bell, 3rd shift mind you, who then decided that they would no longer be doing backroom 38 hours a week, but would get put back on flowteam 16 hours a week.
yeah and a lot of them were just like you until a new stl fired all the team leaders, tore the teams to shambles, and they got some retarded new team leader with 5 years of leadership at taco bell, 3rd shift mind you, who then decided that they would no longer be doing backroom 38 hours a week, but would get put back on flowteam 16 hours a week.

at our store. flow is lucky to get 12 - yeah, but you are right
6 cashiers?!? Were lucky to get 4 on a Saturday, most times we have 3 and for closing it goes down to 1 even on Saturday nights.
^^^ who does the research on local businesses and who reports all that. That is pretty impressive, especially if a store level executive was that "on top" of stuff.
My store was down to

1 opening GSTM /1 opening cashier /1 opening FATM/1 opening GSAorGSTL
2 cashiers coverage from 10am-8/9pm
1 cashier after 8/9pm
1 closing GSTL/GSA
1 closing FATM

With 20 available Front End TMs

Hardlines- opening Electronics TM only + 1 TM (on new release Tuesdays & Fridays)
Closing- 1 Elec TM + 2 salesfloor TMs
Softlines- opening operator & 1 other TM
Closing- operator + 2 TMs

And we had 10 available Softline TMs & 15 available Hardline TMs
My store was down to

1 opening GSTM /1 opening cashier /1 opening FATM/1 opening GSAorGSTL
2 cashiers coverage from 10am-8/9pm
1 cashier after 8/9pm
1 closing GSTL/GSA
1 closing FATM

With 20 available Front End TMs

Hardlines- opening Electronics TM only + 1 TM (on new release Tuesdays & Fridays)
Closing- 1 Elec TM + 2 salesfloor TMs
Softlines- opening operator & 1 other TM
Closing- operator + 2 TMs

And we had 10 available Softline TMs & 15 available Hardline TMs

That's almost exactly what it is at my store, too! And it might ALMOST work except we usually have several call-outs or NCNS every day, leaving us with basically nobody at times. And they wonder why people are quitting like crazy? The stress of having to do all the things that are required just to keep the store running, all by yourself!
This week I was short on hours and would have gladly come in. However, in spite of having a note in clerical to call the home phone first, 2 different etl's called my cell. Usually, when I'm home I dont' even have my cell on. I just happened to check it later in the day when it was too late to call back. Talked to my etl-hr and she highlighted the home phone (with the call first note on it) and also put another comment on the bottom. It was extremely frustrating because I could've used those extra hrs.
i've noticed when I am too busy and don't need hours, like when I'm working two jobs, target will schedule me 8 days in a row. But when I get a schedule with no hours and I need them, there is nothing they can do for me. If I feel great after working a truck and am in the mood to stay late and help, I have somebody telling me to leave the minute my shift is scheduled to end. If it's the end of the week and I'm dead tired and have to be somewhere immediately after work, well that's when overtime is magically approved and they need everyone to stay late and get all of this caught up. I don't really even try, unless it's something like taking a shift for someone.
I said it was local business to make sure spot doesnt find out what store i am from. All I will say a business entity is closing near my store, which brings guests into my store. Because of this, corporate is forecasting our store down.

I think he was impressed by how Target knew the business was closing.
^^^ this. that's the type of thing i would want to know and would be on top of if I were running my own business. That does not sound like the thought process of a store level etl. "Well I did some schmoozing at the dollar general on my off day, and have developed some intel that the chamber of commerce has been less than straight forward about. We need to start planning ahead 3 months from now when our foot traffic and revenue should drop."
^^^ this. that's the type of thing i would want to know and would be on top of if I were running my own business. That does not sound like the thought process of a store level etl. "Well I did some schmoozing at the dollar general on my off day, and have developed some intel that the chamber of commerce has been less than straight forward about. We need to start planning ahead 3 months from now when our foot traffic and revenue should drop."

Spot has people that research all that. If you look at the Store Fact Sheet on Workbench, it says how close the nearest competitor (i.e. Walmart) is, etc.
Its all based on how much the CEO makes. If the CEO makes a **** load of money, then target can't pay its employees since the CEO needs those multi million dolar a year sallarys with a huge ass bonus, private jet $2500 suit with a $3500 rolex all while sipping on a mi ti on the Caribbean laughing his ass off about screwing around with the team members.
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