Archived Faster timings on Register

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Nov 30, 2014
Any tricks or anything to giving yourself more time on the register to complete a transaction? Just curious of any tips / ect before I test out some, for example if someone was buying 1item, and you scan it 10 times then void all of them except one, and then have them pay, would it mark it as G since there were 10 items scanned? Or would it take it as only one time and mark it as R?

Just curious on more factors that go through the timer on the register. Because some things with the customer we can't control, and it's very annoying having to suspend, ect, because they are taking their time which I have no problem with.
Instead of removing hangers and bagging the soft lines items as I ring them I sit them at the end then of the "counter" and then remove hangers & bag while the guest is doing their thing for payment. Same with fragile items that need to be wrapped in paper.
If you ring an item 10 times, and void 9 of them, then the register only figures the score with the number of items purchased...not added and voided off. Nevermind the fact that would wave red flags to ap and it would piss off guests that you were playing games with their orders.

Follow Schmelba's tips. And just worry about really learning your job. The more comfortable you are at it and the more you do it, the faster you will hopefully get. Speed isn't as important as accuracy. Instead of outting your energy into trying to game the system (and sending out signals to your leaders that you think they are stupid), put that energy into learning everything you can and getting REDcards.
My problem is that my score is always around 85, but I am constantly getting told I am going too slow and I need to speed up considerably when my speed printout comes out with an average of 85.

I was just giving an example not that I would actually do that, just seeing if any other ways to almost guarantee a G or help significantly without having to suspend for outside-of-myself waiting as everyone else does constantly.
Speed comes with time, once you know what you're doing you'll get quicker. Focus on accuracy first. And sometimes you just get the short end of the stick, with five slowpokes in a row and 50% speed. It happens

85% is a good overall speed score, I don't know what your GSA is smoking. At my store we're told to aim for between 85-88%.
85 is slow, but it isn't the end of the world. 88 is green and 90 is preferable. I don't think in my store it would be mentioned outside of your yearly review, and even then we're more concerned about your attitude with guests and your conversion number.

If you get everything off hangers to start with (as you can) and bag stuff that will take time at the end of the transaction, you are halfway there.

I've found my slow cashiers get bogged down because they either aren't paying attention (did I ring that up? Was that a squirrel! that I just saw that has nothing to do with what I should be doing?) or don't understand what they are doing well enough to do it at the coupon, know generally what they will say, and scan it and accept it as needed or politely give it back to the guest. But scanning it, seeing the "guest doesn't have this item" and staring at the coupon like you've never had this happen before will slow you down. My slow cashiers have to hunt for the K1 key everytime they do a cash order and then look pleased with themselves when it does what it is supposed to do. If they truly understood their job, they would be faster.
This is a bit dishonest, but if you price inquiry an item and then choose "sell item" it starts the transaction much faster and does not take a speed score. You will still get redcard prompts. Like others have said, you shouldn't worry too much about the speed score, focus more on asking for redcards and accuracy. With all these new seasonal cashiers we are getting a lot more double scans at guest service. It's really annoying and its better for you to have a red speed score than for you to have a green one with errors.
I've found those with low speed scores generally don't know their job 100%. If they did, they wouldn't have the issues that slow them down and instead would generally just have Rs from the guests and things like tax exempt orders. It's actually a good indicator of who knows the job inside out and who is warming a register after 20 years.

Take a mental note after you get an R of what was the reason you were slowed down. Be honest. You'll know if it was you or the guest. If it was the guest, move on. If you know something came up that made things slow down, work on learning that part better.
I notice whenever I am on register it is the slow guests that slow things down..... Checks ( drive me insane) Guests that take forever to count change guests and the coupons or cartwheeels and it isn't like we can say hurry up man....... I always wind up with a 85 or 86 which is a yellow which isn't great..... Seriously unless you yell at the guests there isn't a thing you can do about slow people.
For real dont stress. My conversion, registe speed, and aar ( the last month) is shit . I work the salesfloor and im a god at it so my job security is clear.
My store is #1 in our district for cashier speed and even then it's not an important issue at all. While the GSTLs prefer you to be green (88%+), it's not something you're coached for unless you're consistently yellow for many weeks to months. REDcard conversion is far, far more important.
We don't look at cashier speed. We don't care. We want you to VIBE with the guest, scan accurately, take care of price issues and sell a REDCard. If you are consistently red on cashier speed, it's probably because you're drunk. So speed is not the issue, right? Drunk is.
The only time I got asked about my speed score was when for a month my score stayed at 50 or so because I had only 5 transactions on a register in almost a month. My primary work center at the time was cashier, but splitting time between guest service, Starbucks and operator doesn't leave much time for cashiering.
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