Archived First cashier shift

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Oct 22, 2015
I had my first cashier training/ shift tonight a 4hr closer. I'd been sweating it, and getting all stressed about having to work this cashier shift, even in my interview I told the lady I don't want to do check stands at all. So anyway I get there and there's another person training too. Some lady gives us a packet and said read thru this and heres some stuff to scan, and just walked away we looked at each other and where both just lost. I thought great all my fears coming true right now, I'm sweating bullets and about what felt like hrs. Maybe 5 mins this other lady came up showed us how to long on scanned one thing, said press this this this and put us both in the fire, at this point I'm sweating and nerves as hell. And some comes to my lane and she stands there shows me once and walked away. I blinked and it was break time, had to throw my light up a couple times, but no big deal lol so after all that panicking I was doing it was not a big deal at all kind of fun went really fast
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