Archived How many hours does a TL have to work?

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Aug 17, 2013
All the TLs at my store are usually as close to 40 as they can be, but I was wondering if you could be a TL and still part time. Like 20 - 25 hours weekly. Thanks :)
I doubt it. It doesn't happen at my store, usually. A tm was promoted to gs tl and they don't work 40 due to school. It can happen if they like you.
I doubt it. It doesn't happen at my store, usually. A tm was promoted to gs tl and they don't work 40 due to school. It can happen if they like you.
Yup this is totally accurate. 32hrs is by best practice the minimum, could get away with 30hrs as long as you're working 4 days a week.
It really all depends on how good you work and how many hours you can work. TLs at my store all get 40 because they need us there to set endcaps and manage the team to make sure that the pulls, reshop and zone are done. i think you probably must work at least 30. They asked me if i was able to work 40 hours anytime before they promoted me.
It really all depends on how good you work and how many hours you can work. TLs at my store all get 40 because they need us there to set endcaps and manage the team to make sure that the pulls, reshop and zone are done. i think you probably must work at least 30. They asked me if i was able to work 40 hours anytime before they promoted me.

I would change your picture just incase anyone from your store is on here.. If you care lol
I usually schedule myself 40, if hours are cut I give my hours to my team and work 24-32 hours. I just call it vacation when that happens and it has been a lot lately.
if you want the hours you're guaranteed something like 36. but i've voluntarily gave up shifts/scheduled people to give them more hours.
We had a TL at my old store who went to school not once, not twice but 4 days a week. She wrote her schedule so she would go to school early in the day and go to work right after and vice versa. Never worked less than 35 a week. I don't know how some people do it but they do.
I get 40. I've offered to give up some hours when they need to cut them, but HR tells me they need me at 40.
I've given myself 26 hours once to give my team more hours. I do it from time to time but lately it's been so busy that I can't afford to not be there. I only did that in February.
The closest that we have to a part time TL is one of the three Softlines TLs who has limited availablity, only able to close on weekdays and can only work around 34 hours a week. However, it works since there are 2 other SLTLs who are totally down with being able to open/mid all week.
At my store it's generally 40 unless we are over in payroll. But even then it's 36-40. We have some TLs in school so the ETLs allow a more flexible schedule.
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