Archived How to accept the background check?

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I just got a job offer today and the HR rep at my store told me I needed to go back to the target site as if I was going to apply & log in as normal and it would tell me what to do from there. Only, since I applied close to 2 weeks ago, they’ve updated the entire site so nothing is the same. My log in isn’t working, I made a new one using the same email but nothing is there for me to accept. It said it needs to be done by 36 hours, but how can I do it if everything changed and the instructions left for me isn’t accurate now?
Call HROC and let them help you, they’re awesome. And it has nothing to do with the store not knowing what’s going on, it’s because you applied before a major software change. You applied in JAS and now we’re using Workday 🤷‍♀️ It’s just a weird time for HR.
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