Florida Dawg

Former Cart Attendant Pro and Target Employee
Apr 13, 2020
Today is a glorious day in my life, I FINALLY QUIT. I have been tired of this place and company for so long, I finally got a new job and putting my two weeks today got management crapping themselves. I’m enjoying this moment. I’ll miss a few things about this company but I cannot wait to be free officially here. LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO!!!!
Today is a glorious day in my life, I FINALLY QUIT. I have been tired of this place and company for so long, I finally got a new job and putting my two weeks today got management crapping themselves. I’m enjoying this moment. I’ll miss a few things about this company but I cannot wait to be free officially here. LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO!!!!
Over the lack of help, the lack of cross training people up front, The micromanaging from Management, The lack of scheduling enough people, The lack of respect for me and for any cart attendant, I’m over the drama at this store, I’m so sick of it all and the pain and misery will be gone soon finally.
Happy for you Dawg, hope you enjoy your new job. I still enjoy working at Target overall but ngl, things are really tough right now.
Yeah there is some good things but not a lot, Company been going downhill before u even started in 2020.
Please let us know how you are doing at the job.
For sure, I’m working at an Auto Shop but it’s for company trucks, vans, Fleet vehicles and also Semi Trucks. It’s a local business basically but there are like 2 other locations somewhere in North Florida I believe. They got bought out by a bigger company that does media like with one news station here and all so it means there is more opportunities to grow. I hope it works out for sure but I feel I’ll be happier because it’s a smaller workplace, It’s not so politically driven of a company and I can just simply get my work done.
My ETL and TL that I don’t like was friendly to my face of course and said for me to ask for help during the transition out if I need to, I really think they just being fake cus they know I don’t suck up at all unless they really are meaning that but I doubt it. This company is a fake cult and I don’t trust em. Management is the big reason why I’m leaving out of all reasons because of how they treat me as a Cart Attendant and they also don’t care. They really only miss me for the work I put in, Not me completely. Everyone is replaceable but you can’t replace a great worker or decent person and I’m not really close to perfect.
Today is a glorious day in my life, I FINALLY QUIT. I have been tired of this place and company for so long, I finally got a new job and putting my two weeks today got management crapping themselves. I’m enjoying this moment. I’ll miss a few things about this company but I cannot wait to be free officially here. LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO!!!!
I wish you the best of luck on your future travels
Congrats. I toast the end of your misery. Good luck!
I appreciate it man. I’ll still be on here despite not being a team member not much longer. I know we disagreed on stuff before but I appreciate the kind words man. Misery ending for sure. 😂
My ETL and TL that I don’t like was friendly to my face of course and said for me to ask for help during the transition out if I need to, I really think they just being fake cus they know I don’t suck up at all unless they really are meaning that but I doubt it. This company is a fake cult and I don’t trust em. Management is the big reason why I’m leaving out of all reasons because of how they treat me as a Cart Attendant and they also don’t care. They really only miss me for the work I put in, Not me completely. Everyone is replaceable but you can’t replace a great worker or decent person and I’m not really close to perfect.
The final part of what you mentioned really stands out. At my store, it seemed like all the good team members left, leaving a bad atmosphere of negativity that I couldn't wait to get away from. You're right, everyone is replaceable but it seemed like I was one of the few good workers left. Leadership wanted me to stay and I feel like they were fake to me as well.
The final part of what you mentioned really stands out. At my store, it seemed like all the good team members left, leaving a bad atmosphere of negativity that I couldn't wait to get away from. You're right, everyone is replaceable but it seemed like I was one of the few good workers left. Leadership wanted me to stay and I feel like they were fake to me as well.
Unfortunately because of how people were to me growing up and how HS was, It made me more cold hearted and it’s killed trust for me for working and people in general. Knowing how Target operates and the shit that’s allowed, They can’t convince me that they are really on my side. If they gave a fuck despite me not sucking up, They would’ve helped me in the ways they know that need to be fixed but they didn’t. I’m not stupid, I know how people operate socially and I’m not gonna be fooled constantly like when I was younger.
I’m also happy that with me quitting I won’t associate with a company who only celebrates the African American race and the LGBT orientation instead of doing all or what it should be, none because politics or that kind of topics don’t belong in the workplace. Everyone is American but that’s also how the radical left operates, They wanna act like not everyone is equal however I do agree there are issues today that make it seem like it’s not that. But I won’t miss that kind of political crap allowed and the flamboyance for shirts and masks and all but would be butthurt if it was any other kind of shirt or mask that supported something else. But overrall, Just glad I won’t deal with my toxic management, some lazy coworkers, the drama that goes on and lack of help by scheduling more than anything.