Archived Instocks/Backroom TL questions.

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Jan 25, 2014
I had a few questions regarding scores that impact Instocks/Backroom. When I went through TL training, I was taught that all EXF and OUTs batches counted towards the instocks pull timeliness report, no matter which team/department dropped the batch. Is this true? If so, how does your store combat this? I run into the issue where other departments will drop batches on days when I am not there, and they go past the 1 hour mark. It's not a huge issue, our scores are still in the top 3 in the district, but I'm a perfectionist lol.

Second, I occasionally have pending "put into hold" in the MyFa systems for orders that were already picked. How do I clear these?

Third, does your instocks team manage to scan the entire store both on Saturday and Sunday?

Fourth, how does your store handle challenge from the DC trucks? We are a push-all store. Our flow team has consistently been an issue, my predecessor was rather... laid back when it came to best practice.

Sorry for the mass of questions, I really do appreciate all the help everyone has given me over the last year! If anyone has any questions regarding backroom/instocks besides whats posted above I'd be happy to help :)
I don't know about the metrics, but any pog or exf batch dropped after the store opens we call the br and let them know to pull it or offer to pull it off we have time and they are legit busy. Otherwise it could linger overnight.
For myFA, every item you pick will get a label and each one needs to be scanned into hold. If you have multiples of the same DCPI, make sure you enter the correct quantity that is going into the hold location.

If it is still telling you there is something needing to be scanned into hold, scan everything again to make sure you got them all. And make sure nobody else just finished picking a different order...

If the number of items in the order says zero, just ignore it and it will drop off shortly.
every item you pick will get a label
And when someone forgets or is too lazy to use those labels it makes finding the items that much harder. Especially in a location that has several orders located in it. So thank you to whoever is doing that at my store...
For scanning the whole store on the weekend, i don't remember the last time instocks has done that here. Best we manage sometimes is scanning one half of hardlines Saturday and the other half on Sunday. This is after the two TMs having to push autos or help out truck or signing for a little before so we rarely get to just start scanning. And some days leadership decides its more important to fill endcaps instead. How many do you have those days and do they get right to it?

As for challenge, work with the flow TL on that one. Figure out what areas are getting challenged the most and get them to start making flow check multiple locs.
For a weekend I shoot the key areas for my store. Market, chemical, baby, toys and electronics. Anything else consider it a bonus. Cause it is just me. When we had more than one person an ETL would constantly pull one of us for their pet project so we got even less done.

I am in a high volume overnight store so helping with the truck or backstock is a rare thing it happens but we just deal and try to get one person shooting while others help out.
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My instocks TL schedules at least 2 team members to scan the OUTs throughout the whole store (I'm in a B volume store). With only 2 we can barely manage to get through almost all the store (all hardlines, all consumables including PFresh, and softlines basics). We try to get through the scans within 3 hours so that it leaves a little less than an hour to push the priority batches before noon. Pretty much the only times we don't get through it all is when there are no other sales floor tm's and when we're up at the checklanes for fast service constantly.

Every week my instocks TL chooses 3 departments to look for challenge off of DC truck loads, usually by fill group names in the backroom. Working in the backroom, we only set aside one tub for challenge and it gets pushed out by a trusted flow TM or the flow TL.
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